A Long Night {part 1}

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I gulped down the last of my soup as Seth shut the car door behind me. I inhaled the natural scent of rain, trees and soil. The shadows of the day were gone, and the echoes of the night surrounded us. Crickets chirped in the grass and somewhere in the distance a brook bubbled. At least the sounds are calming, I thought to myself. Gripping my canteen with a shaky hand. Seth had told me during our lengthy car ride that the rest of the Cullens had arrived to town. I thought I'd met most of the family. Renesmee had mentioned that one of her aunts was a shopaholic. But I'd assumed that like most aunts, hers was a distant relative. I'm beginning to think that the Cullens don't have distant family. These vampires are a united front.

I'm not entirely sure what the protocol is when meeting your werewolf boyfriend's undead family friends. But I'm pretty sure that showing up in an oversize T-shirt and borrowed jeans isn't the ideal attire. My own clothes were soaked, and though I'd assured Seth that wearing the wet clothes wasn't a big deal, he refused to risk my health. He'd found me a pair of women's jeans "God knows who they belong to." His words not mine, and one of his old t-shirts that was actually small enough to not look like a knee-length dress on me. I bit my bottom lip, the rain had likely ruined my hair. I could very possibly look like a flame-haired disaster right now and I'm about to meet people who probably look as perfect as they sound. I reached my hand out into the air. In less than a second, a muscled abdomen was pressed into my outstretched palm. I grasped a fistful of his shirt and yanked it toward me. Of course, it didn't move him at all but he got the idea and stepped closer to me, wrapping a hand around my waist and bringing the other one to my lips.

"You're thinking too much, Scar." I could hear the easy smile in his words. He pulled my bottom lip from between my teeth and before I could register why, his heated lips were on mine. My body immediately responded. My hands encased his chiseled jaw. I parted my lips deepening the kiss as his hands trailed down my curves and rested on my backside. His grip was firm, every part of him was firm. But I wanted to feel those warm hands everywhere. I didn't know where we were, or who could see us, but in that moment I was ready for an encore of earlier today. I sucked on his bottom lip snaking a hand to the nape of his neck to scratch against the spot that always makes him moan.

"You," His voice was strained as he broke away. "Are trouble." I huffed a sigh when he pulled out of my grasp. When I licked my lips, a deep rumbling sound came from his direction. Was that a growl? I smiled to myself triumphantly.

"You're driving me insane." He turned away from me. I could hear his footfalls as he continued to walk. Leaving me in the middle of god knows where.

"Hey!" I called after him cautiously taking a few steps forward. "Forgetting something?"

"Nope, but feel free to follow my voice." He called back, that teasing smile in his tone.

I could've scoffed if I wasn't so distracted with the effort of not falling on my face.

"Seth! What if I fall?"

"Then you fall." He called back, I stopped walking, my eyebrows shot up at his brazen tone. What in the hell has gotten into him?

His voice softened as he registered my silence. "It's flat ground, Scarlett. You've proven your ability to walk across flat surfaces. There are no trees, tree roots or tree stumps and on the off chance that you're just left footed, I'd catch you before you even knew you were falling." His voice sounded further away. Taking in his careless yet truthful words, I picked up the pace to keep up with him.

"I've hardly proven that ability." I huffed back, picking up my pace to a light jog. "In case you've forgotten, I was less than a second away from death-by-stairwell when you met me, I then proceeded to trip in the hallway and sprain my wrist-"

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