Meeting the Guys

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Seth POV-

"Well, Sweetheart, it looks like you just twisted it." The school nurse, Mrs. Jenkins says inspecting Scarlett's wrist. As the nurse bends and twists her wrist different ways, Scarlett makes these little wincing faces. I hold her hand, acting as if I'm supporting her, but in reality, she's the only thing keeping me from shaking.

"Here." Mrs. Jenkins says sliding onto Scarlett a little cloth glove that covers only the palm and some of the thumb.

"A wrist brace? That's it?" Scarlett asks with a hint of attitude in her voice. I rub her shoulder to soothe her and it appears to work. Scarlett takes a deep breath and slumps her shoulders.

"Well, hon, there's really nothing else I can do. It's not broken or even fractured. I'm almost positive it'll feel better by the end of the day."

Scarlett hops down from the table, her hand still in mine and tugs gently. "Come on, Seth. Like she said, there's nothing more she can do for us. Let's go." I grab Scarlett's bag, along with my own, and head out of the office with Scarlett at my side. "School nurses are the worst." Scarlett mutters under her breath.

"It could be worse." I smile. "She could've given you a shot." I say and Scarlett shivers. "I hate shots." She squeezes her eyes shut.

I chuckle. "Don't worry, I'd never let Mrs. Jenkins hurt you. Or anyone else for that matter." Crap! That sounded way creepier than it did in my head. But to my surprise, instead of looking completely freaked out she turned her head towards the sound of my voice and smiles. God, I love her smile. I smiled back at her when I suddenly remembered that she couldn't see it. She'd  never be able to see it.
I sigh and stroke her face gently to let her know that I see her beautiful smile. The lunch bell blares in my ears and Scarlett nearly jumps out of her skin. Scarlett begins to breathe heavily and looks slightly panicked. I wrap her in my arms and stroke her head. "It's just the lunch bell, sweetheart. It's alright. You're alright. I've got you." I whisper in her ear as the halls fill up with students. As if she were just struck by a wooden spoon, Scarlett pulls her head up in a sharp motion, wipes her eyes, takes my hand and walks forward as if she is leading me. Knowing that Scarlett has know idea where she's headed, I take back the lead.

Interesting... Scarlett was frightened, to the point of panic when the lunch bell rang. But as students started to emerge she put steel in her neck and pretended to be leading me. She was vulnerable when it was just her and myself in the hallway, but she refused to let the other students see her cry or even see her dragged along behind me. She doesn't want them to know that she's blind? But why? Won't they find out sooner or later? Maybe she just doesn't want them to consider her weak. Easy to tease, make fun of, or... hurt. I chuckle to myself. Good luck to anyone who tries to hurt my imprintee. There wouldn't be anyone on this green earth that could hold my wolf back. I want Scarlett to know that she doesn't have to put up a wall around me or anyone else. I'll protect her. From everyone. From everything.

"You okay, Scar?" I speak quietly with her.
"Fine!" She says in a chipper voice as she paints on a smile and swings our conjoined hands back and forth. I'd give anything for Scarlett to see again, but right now, I'm relieved that she can't see my frown. I let the conversation drop and lead her towards the cafeteria.


"So I've got the deer in my mouth, right? And I'm jerking it back and forth and the little fortune teller comes out of nowhere and snatches the damn thing right out of it!" I can hear Quil as we walk in talking about his hunting trip last month. It's not so much that he's being loud (which he kind of is considering the topic) as much as my abilities allow me to hear the guy from yards away.

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