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"Dude." Quil's voice buzzed in my head. I'm still not completely comfortable with voices in my mind, but as I've seen, it could definitely be worse.

"She'll be okay." he repeated for the sixth time today. I nodded my head in his direction acknowledging that he was there. But in all honesty, I didn't want to hear it. I had been patrolling from first beach to the treaty line for two hours and in all that time, I had hyperventilated once and was dragged back to my post by Jared a couple of times. I knew that I was interrupting their quiet minds with my frantic and disturbing thoughts of what could happen to my sweet Scarlett without me there to protect her.

"She's got 3 wolves following her to every class, through every hallway and down every stairwell." Quil stated, repeating yet another one of the comments that he's been saying all day.

"Whom are ordered by the Alpha to stay by her side until she is safely riding away in Jenna's car at the end of the day." Jared continued.

"Dude, the president isn't protected that well." Quil cut in.

How Jacob managed to get the principal to agree on having 20-23 year olds sitting in the school classrooms and roaming through the halls to protect my Scarlett, I didn't know and I didn't care. Although, most people on the reservation seem to bow to us, so it might not have taken that much persuasion. I was just glad that there were three of our kind looking out for her.

I laid down. Every thought around me immediately went quiet and I knew that I was the cause.

"I'm alright guys, I'm still conscious." I directed towards them and they mentally relaxed.

I thought about Scarlett. Her fiery, red hair; her crisp, blue eyes; her delicate, pale, smooth skin; her small hands and feet. She was 5'1. Tiny. Delicate. Breakable. I began to get anxious again. What if the wolves weren't enough to protect her? What if she's already been hurt, or worse? I began to get the same feeling I felt yesterday. That same gut-wrenching, panicked feeling. The feeling that told me that I needed to get to her. Fast.

"Seth, don't!" Jared warned. But before he could finish I was gone, bulletting in the direction of the school. My entire body was screaming to get to Scarlett. Her face in my mind formed a veil in front of the blur of woods that I was tearing through. As Jared began to gain on me, I could see in his mind that he could feel my instinct to protect my mate. Something was wrong, and he knew that I knew it. He didn't pounce on me this time, but instead began to follow my lead to my mate.


I felt... weird. Being blind, the one thing I never really felt was complete security, boy was that over! I felt more secure than a government official. According to the man named Embry, who was at the moment sitting right beside me, there were three guys following me around today. They were serving as "protection replacements" for Seth. Despite my still on-going argument against these bodyguards following me around school, the guys insisted on doing so, repeating that they were, "ordered to keep me safe". I spent around 30 minutes mulling that one over in my head. Ordered by whom?
I argued as best as I could, even giving them my signature super-scowl. They laughed at me and then proceeded to plan their stations around my schedule. I'll admit, I didn't have much of an argument considering the fact that I very nearly broke my everything yesterday. But really, three guys seemed a bit excessive.

These guys followed me everywhere that they could. And when they realized that there were certain places that they weren't allowed, like the bathroom.... just when I thought I would finally be alone, they paid a girl to go in after me and "Look out for the red head." They gave her money to watch my stall while I peed! I'm pretty sure that's illegal in some states! At that point, I'd had it. I had to ditch these guys, they were driving me insane! I formulated a plan. It was a long shot, but it was just crazy enough to work. After lunch period was over, I made my move.

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