Chapter 4 : How did it happened?

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Wang Yi, Zhou Shiyu, Shen Mengyao and Yuan Yiqi enter the Wang Mansion and close all the doors.

"How did it happened?" Zhou Shiyu asked.

"I also don't know." Wang Yi said.

Then Wang Yi and Zhou Shiyu suddenly remember both of them was drunk and sign the paper without knowing it was a marriage document.

"Did we just sign a marriage document?" Wang Yi can't believe it.

Zhou Shiyu was stunned and left speechless, "You both sign a marriage document without knowing it?!" Yiqi was so shock to know it.

"Zhou Shiyu, explan this to me!" Mengyao said.

"Wait, you both know each other?" Wang Yi asked.

Shen Mengyao nod and say, "We're best friends when we're studying abroad." Mengyao explain it to them.

And Wang Yi's parents arrive.

"Wang Yi, can you explain things to me?" Her mom said with a curious expression.

"Okay. Everyone calm down a bit!" Wang Yi said and everyone suddenly become silence.

"Mom and dad.. We both didn't mean it, because both of us are drunk." Wang Yi explain and everyone don't know what to say including Zhou Shiyu.

"Okay? How did both of you get married by being drunk?" Yiqi asked and look so puzzled.

"It was an accident! I didn't mean to sign that document." Zhou Shiyu speak for herself.

Everyone sigh, "What do we do now about it?" Shen Mengyao asked and everyone just shrugged their shoulders.

"Okay, You're Zhou Shiyu, right?" Wang Yi's mother asked.

Zhou Shiyu nod.

"Okay, you should stay in the guest room tonight. Reporters are still outside.. Tomorrow you two will make a public announcement that it was just an accident." Her mother is very problematic.

There's a high chance that both of them are legal to get married because same sex marriage is allowed in their nation.

Wang Yi's parents head to their room while Shen Mengyao accompany Zhou Shiyu to the guest room, Yuan Yiqi look at Wang Yi. "Can we talk?" Yiqi said with a serious expression.

Wang Yi nod and both of them go upstairs and enter the library.

"How did that happened?" Yiqi repeat the question in a shock expression. Wang Yi felt tired about hearing the same question to her, "How many times do I have to tell you that it was just an accident?!"

Yiqi is so problematic, "It will be hard to make the public believe that it was an accident!"

Yiqi get a notification in her phone, when she open it, she was so shock to see that Wang Yi and Zhou Shiyu are on the top search list in the internet.

"What is it?" Wang Yi asked with a cold expression.

Yuan Yiqi show her the phone and Wang Yi don't know how to react on it.

"Young Billionaire Wang Yi of W company married to the daughter of Zhou family!"

"Wang Yi and Zhou Shiyu revealed that they're married!"

"Zhou Shiyu, daughter of the Billionaire Zhou is married to the cold president of W company!"

The search are one by one and only a minutes ago, it already have a million views.

Wang Yi give back her phone and show a problematic expression, "I don't know.. I'll just take care of it tomorrow, but tonight let me think and rest." Wang Yi said and sit down in the sofa.

Yiqi sigh and say, "Okay, just rest now. I'll talk to Zhou Shiyu." Yiqi said and go out of the library.

Wang Yi keep thinking about Zhou Shiyu's face, "Why you keep coming into my mind?" Wang Yi asked herself and don't know what to do.

Mengyao are calming Zhou Shiyu in the guest room when someone suddenly knock on the door, "Sister Yaoyao! Can I enter?" Yiqi asked.

"Just a sec." Mengyao said to Zhou Shiyu and open the door for Yiqi.

Yiqi enter and close the door, "How old is Zhou Shiyu?" Yiqi suddenly asked. "I am already 24 years old, how about you?" Zhou Shiyu added.

"I'm 22, so I'm calling you sister if that's okay?" Yiqi Politely ask permission.

Shiyu chuckles and say, "Of course, you can."

Yiqi sigh and say, "What's your relationship to my little sister Yi Yi?" Yiqi seems serious about it.

Zhou Shiyu sigh and say, "We completely don't know each other.. That time I was drunk and didn't knew that I signed that paper.. Mengyao, believe me. I didn't mean it." Zhou Shiyu said and seems nervous.

"I know, Wang Yi already said it." Shen Mengyao said and hold her hands.

"Okay.. But what are you going to do tomorrow for the public announcement?" Yiqi asked.

Zhou Shiyu don't know what to say about her question, "Yiqi, let her rest first. Let the both of them think what they will gonna do tomorrow." Mengyao said with a calm voice and a calm expression.

Yiqi nod and say, "Yeah, your right. Let's go.. Sister, we're going now." Zhou Shiyu nod, watching Yiqi and Mengyao go out of the room.

"What am I going to do?" Shiyu keep asking herself.

Same for Wang Yi who was left thinking in the library alone, both of them are very problematic. Both of them never knew that a single signature in the paper will blow their both lives.

Wang Yi sigh and look so tired and can't even think straight, she didn't even notice that she fell asleep in the library.

And after that night, Wang Yi wake up in the sofa and realize that it was already morning. She stretch her hands and legs and after that she stand up and go to her room to take a shower and change clothes.

After that, she go downstairs. She saw Zhou Shiyu in the living area with her parents, Yiqi and Mengyao. Wang Yi can saw Zhou Shiyu's expression for being so problematic and also mix with nervous.

"Yi Yi, we have to discuss what both of you will say in the public." Her father said with a serious voice and a serious expression.

Wang Yi approach them and sit beside Yiqi and Mengyao, staring straight at Shiyu and make her even felt more nervous about it.

"Okay, I'll listen." Wang Yi said while giving Zhou Shiyu a cold stare.

"Okay.. Both of you will say that you're getting a divorce." Her father said and Wang Yi and Zhou Shiyu seems fine with it.

"I'm fine with it.. It doesn't matter if the public cares about the divorce, as long as we can be separated again." Wang Yi said.

Zhou Shiyu nervously smile, "I'm a-also fine w-with it." She stutter a bit because she's being too nervous.

Wang Yi coldly look away and ignore her, doesn't want to know anything about her.


Chapter 4 ends.

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