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The day is sunny and the temperature is quite high

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The day is sunny and the temperature is quite high. It's what we say ... A perfect day for a picnic. And so, having rested enough, our three heroes set out to do just that. A picnic under the sun.

Stefan amuses himself with a game of miniature golf while the girls, Lucida and Jenny, squat on the grass, drinking expensive French wine and eating a variety of French snacks while pleasantly chatting.

Stefan amuses himself with a game of miniature golf while the girls, Lucida and Jenny, squat on the grass, drinking expensive French wine and eating a variety of French snacks while pleasantly chatting

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Lucida: Can I ask a question?

Jenny: Sure.

Lucida: What exactly is my crazy brother doing over there?

Jenny: Are you blind or what? He's playing miniature golf.

Lucida: I can see that. What I want to know is where he got the equipment. I mean, I didn't see him carrying anything.

Jenny: Didn't you see a little yellow leather bag that he always carries?

Lucida: Yes.

Jenny: That's it.

Lucida: Please! How is that even possible? It's way too small. How is everything supposed to fit in there? The golf club, the ball, the tee, and everything else?

Jenny: And yet! This is a kind of portable miniature golf. The inventor brought it to Stefan to test it so the company could fund production. You know, investments and stuff.

Lucida: So what?

Jenny: So, your crazy brother got hooked on the damn thing. He went crazy for it and ever since then he always carries it with him and whenever he finds an opportunity, like now, he plays.

Lucida: Good God! He's got to find himself a chick now!

Jenny: Tell me about it!

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