Goodnight, My Love.

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As I said, Jace, Sebastian and Titan come out of the forest and see something that makes them run. What's it ...? Zafira is screaming in a semi-crazy state and Matt, very worried, is trying to calm her down.

When the two men and the wolf arrive there, Matt turns his head and relief lights up his worried face.

Matt: Jace! Thank Father, you came! Make her stop! She's in a frenzy.

Without wasting time, Jace grabs Zafira and touches two of his fingers to her forehead.

Jace: Sleep!

Immediately her screams stop, her eyes close and her body collapses in Jace's arms as Zafira sinks into a deep sleep. He gently lays her down on a chaise longue and turns to Matt, who runs his hands through his hair in relief.

Matt: Thanks, brother. She just didn't want to stop.

Jace: For the love of Father, Matt

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Jace: For the love of Father, Matt. What happened?

Matt: She just learned that Dominic's soul never passed through the gates of heaven.

Jace: Don't tell me! No!

Matt: Yes, Jace. I've been talking to Zachariah. Dominic is in hell. His actions ...

Jace looks at Sebastian, who shakes his head.

Sebastian: Apparently, we have more than one thing to ask of James

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Sebastian: Apparently, we have more than one thing to ask of James.

Matt turns his head sharply and looks at Sebastian.

Matt: What on earth are you talking about, hybrid? What does James have to do with this?

Matt is about to explode and Jace puts his arm over his shoulders to calm him down.

Jace: Come with me, brother. Let's fly somewhere high. I've got some things to tell you that you don't know yet.

Matt: What's going on, Jonathan?

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