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Peter likes to sleep with his covers over his head. He's hidden, so he feels safe and protected. Tony knew that, so when he fell asleep on the couch after crying for a good 10 minutes, the man covered his whole body with a blanket.

He sat on the couch next to the sleeping boy and sighed to himself. The crying wore Peter out, so he could be down for a while. He had obviously let go of some tears that he had been holding back for a long time.

Tony glanced at the plate of food that had been abandoned a while ago. He kinda wished that he told Peter about his Aunt after he ate. Rookie mistake.

It would sound insane to most people, but Tony already felt attached to the kid. He could relate to him, and Tony loved feeling needed. Peter needed him.

Maybe Peter would be okay with the idea of Tony letting him stay with him in the tower? He has no where else to go, the tower is safe and well protected and he gets to live with earth's mightiest heroes. It sure sounded like a good plan.

Tony got up from his seat eventually and walked over to the kitchen. He started making a bunch of random food and snacks for Peter. That way he could grab whatever he wanted, and whenever he wanted it. Tony finished up making all kinds of food, and placed them in a separate compartment in the fridge.

Then, he made his way to the training room.


Natasha looped her leg around Sam's, causing him to crash straight to the floor. The bell rung and Nat stood up with a smile on her face. Sam, however, was wearing a frown as he stayed laying on the floor.

"That's 3:2, to me. You up for another round?" She asked him. Sam groaned and sat up.

"I'm good. You're just mean when it comes to one on one." He said as he slowly stood up. Nat scoffed and took a sip of water as Sam jumped down from the ring and joined Steve, who was at the punching bag.

Tony walked through the training room doors, and everyone turned their heads to look at him. They hadn't seen him since the HYDRA mission and they were all waiting for information.

"What's the verdict?" Clint asked, jumping off the treadmill and walking towards Tony.

"There's no verdict, because I haven't figured anything out yet." Tony sighed.

"He's still not talking, huh." Steve said, wiping the sweat off his forehead with a towel.

"Nope, and I don't think he will anytime soon, considering I just told him the only family member he had left committed suicide while he was in captivity." Tony groaned. The team made wincing sounds out of the pure awkwardness of the situation.

"Man, that's tough." Bucky mumbled. "How did you even find that out?"

"I have my ways. I also found out that he's a 14 year old boy called Peter, who's been kidnapped for 4 years." Tony said proudly. He wasn't proud of the circumstances but he was proud of his research skills.

"Anyway...I thought I would just update you guys on the situation. I better head back up there." Tony said, knowing he probably wouldn't talk to the team in a while due to the importance of the situation. Peter needed his full attention.

"Okay, well, tell us if you find any information on the HYDRA situation." Nat said before turning back to the fighting ring.

Tony turned around and walked out.


"Hey Peter, buddy. How are you doing?" May asked her nephew, who was sat on the living room floor in his Aunt's tiny apartment, staring at the tv.

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