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~ Weeks later ~

"Are you sure you have everything?"


"Really? What about your lunch?"


"Your books?"


"Your pencil case?"


"What about-"

"I have everything, stop worrying!" Peter said and laughed at Tony.

"Alright, alright! If anything happens, and I mean anything, call me. Okay? You have your phone, right?" The man asked. Peter sighed.

"Yes, I have my ridiculously expensive phone that you bought me even when I said you didn't have to." Peter said while rolling his eyes.

"Hey! Don't get sassy with me!" Tony said and Peter let out a laugh.

"I'm gonna be late!"

"Fine! I'll pick you up after, okay? And if it's not me, it will be Nat or Steve 'cuz they're free today...or Happy...or Rhodey...or-"


"Okay, I'm sorry!" Tony said and unlocked the car door. Peter swung it open and stepped out.

"Have a good first day, kid!" Tony called out. Peter shut the door and waved at his father before rushing up to the school doors. Tony drove off once the boy was finally inside the building.

Peter made sure Tony was out of sight before he finally let his nervous side show. He was sweating and couldn't breathe properly. The last time he was at school, he was chased down and taken before he even got through the doors.

What if everyone finds out his past? What if that happens again? What if-

"Hello! You must be the new kid. Peter Stark, right?" A voice suddenly said from beside him. Peter jumped and looked at the boy who was standing to his right. A few seconds passed before Peter remembered that he's supposed to respond.

"Uh...i-it's actually Peter Parker-Stark." The boy politely corrected. He was suddenly aware of how dry his throat was. He's never really spoken to anyone who wasn't Tony, or Happy, or any trusted Avengers. This was the first time, and he knew he would have to get used to it.

"Right, sorry! Well, welcome to Midtown! I'm here to give you a tour of the school as requested by our principle." The stranger smiled at Peter.

Peter smiled slightly and nodded. He decided he would keep the talking to a minimum.

Peter and the other boy started walking as he talked about their school, even though Peter already had a short tour and explanation of the school from the principle a week prior.

"This is my favorite place of the school. The science lab!" The boy said as he gestured to the room they walked up to. Peter glanced at the school's lab. Of course it was no way near as amazing as Tony's lab, but it was good for a school.

"It's pretty busy in here most of the time since this is a science school, but it's fairly empty on Tuesday lunch time's because that's when the chess club sessions are." The boy explained. Then, the bell rang and the boy lead both of them into the hallway.

"We have the same classes which is why the principle asked me to be the one to give you the tour, so let's go! We have Spanish first, but don't worry. Mrs Castillo is pretty cool." He said as they started making their way up the stairs.

"Um...thanks. For the tour." Peter said in a small voice. The boy smiled at Peter.

"No problem! Oh, I completely forgot to introduce myself. I'm Ned Leeds."

"I'm Peter Parker-Stark...but y-you already knew that." Peter laughed awkwardly, causing Ned to laugh too. They finally approached their Spanish classroom and entered.

"¡Silencio, estudiantes!" The class quickly fell silent. "Gracias! Now, we have a new student with us today, Peter Parker-Stark. Please make sure you make him feel welcome." Was all that Mrs Castillo said before starting the lesson.

Peter knew that Spanish was a very verbal lesson, so he could only hope that it would be mostly written work. Fortunately, it was. And what made Peter even more comfortable was that he was sat beside Ned. His new, dare he say, friend.

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