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By the time Peter got back to the compound, it was already 6:45. He knew for sure that he ruined his friendship with Ned and MJ. They probably hated him for standing him up now.

Not to mention that Tony told him to be back by 6. Peter was staring at all the missed calls and messages he got from everyone. He was too scared to open any of them, but he was also distracted by something else. That something else being his father.

He couldn't believe it. He couldn't comprehend it.

The elevator dinged and Peter stepped out, planning to head straight to his room. But of course that wasn't what happened.

"Peter." A voice said from down the hall. The boy turned his head and Tony was walking towards him.

"Where the hell have you been? You're 45 minutes late, I was terrified that something bad happened to you. Especially because..." Tony trailed off, not wanting to even think about him being taken again.

"I'm sorry." Peter whispered, staring at his feet.

"Hey...what happened?" Tony asked him, lifting his head up.

Peter had a choice. He could either tell Tony everything, or he could figure it out on his own. It was a hard decision for the boy, because he didn't want to keep anything from his new dad but he also didn't want Tony to feel like he was going to abandon him now that he knows his father is alive.

"Nothing. I'm sorry, I just lost track of time." He chose the first option. Tony sighed and stood up straight.

"Why didn't you answer any of my calls or messages?" Tony said, rubbing his forehead and trying to calm down.

"My...my phone was on silent." The boy lied.

Tony didn't know what to say next. He wasn't good at being a parent, he already knew that. What was he supposed to do in this situation? He was good at rewarding, not punishing. And he didn't want to do anything harsh to the boy considering everything he's been through.

"Alright, I think it's best if you stay home for the rest of the week. Someone needs to teach you how to keep your phone on as well." Tony said, rolling his eyes. There was only 4 days left of the week, so it wasn't that bad of a consequence.

"Okay." Peter nodded. He was kind of relieved. He thought that if he was allowed out, he would run into his father again. It would be too much for him. He needed space before he could talk to him again.

Tony smiled slightly before wrapping a hand around the boy.

"Come on, let's go join the others." He said and walked them both to the living room. Peter silently groaned, he wanted to be on his own. Especially after what had just happened.


Peter stared at his phone. It was 2 in the morning and his father had messaged him an hour ago, with a simple 'Peter, it's your father'.

He didn't know what to respond with, he didn't even know if he wanted to respond.

Peter, it's your father.
I know you're mad at me, and you have every right to be.
But I can't just leave you.
Please can you meet up with me again tomorrow? Same place, same time?

Peter sighed at the new messages that came through on his phone. He knew he couldn't ignore the man forever, he is his father after all. Peter just needed time before he spoke to Richard again. He was so overwhelmed.

I can't
My dad just grounded me for the rest of the week.
Not allowed out.

He's not your dad, Pete.
I am.
And I'm telling you to meet me tomorrow.

Peter didn't realize he was crying until he tasted the salty tears that fell in his mouth.

He knew Richard was his father. And Peter loved him so much.

I'll meet you at the cafe tomorrow straight after my school finishes.
I'll probably get there at about 3pm.
I'll just tell Tony that I have Decathlon practice.

Thank you, Peter.
I love you.

The boy was hesitant to send the message, even if he knew it was true.

I love you too.

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