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Tony had the fridge open, letting Peter choose what he wanted to eat. Peter pointed to a packet of bacon.

"What do you say?" Tony asked the boy. Peter looked at him in confusion before realization hit him. He signed to Tony 'please'.

Tony smiled at Peter and grabbed the bacon. Soon, Peter had a bacon sandwich in front of him and he signed 'thank you' to Tony.

"You're welcome." Tony smiled. "Now eat up. Today is gonna be a busy day...for me at least." He muttered as he started clearing away a few things in the kitchen.

'What?' Peter signed.

"I've got some digging to do today. You'll be okay if you spend the day with Bruce and Natasha, right?" The man asked Peter.

The kid looked a little nervous, but then he nodded.

"You'll be alright, Peter." Tony said, walking up to him and ruffling his hair. "Get changed when you finish your food. They'll be here soon." He said and walked out the room.

Peter sighed and continued to eat his breakfast. Once he was finished, he placed his plate in the sink and ran off to his room. His room.

It still felt weird calling it his. This wasn't his house. He didn't grow up here. Tony isn't his dad. For all he knew, all of this was just temporary. Peter assumed that once he was better, Tony would send him off to an orphanage.

He didn't want to think about that though. Even though he's only properly known the man for a week (in person, not on Peter's tv), he's grown fond of him. And he wouldn't mind if he stayed...he has no where else to go and he certainly didn't want to go to an orphanage.

He wanted to go back to his parents. He wanted to go back to Ben. He wanted to go back to May. But he couldn't, and he never would.

So staying with Tony was his next option, and he would gladly take it over an orphanage. Despite the circumstances, he enjoyed staying at the compound.

He just wished that things were much different.

Peter finished getting changed when he realized he was crying. He wiped away the single tear that was running down his face before taking a deep breath and walking out his room.

"Alright, Pete, I gotta-" A voice said from behind Peter. The boy turned around and met eyes with Tony. "Hey, are you okay?" The man asked with concern.

The boy would swear under his breath if he could. His eyes were probably slightly red from his short cry fest.

Peter nodded and forced a smile, hoping it looked convincing.

"Are you sure? You look like you've been crying." Tony said, walking closer to Peter. The boy looked everywhere around him, refusing to meet eyes with Tony.

"Maybe I shouldn't go. I can always finish my work tomorrow." Tony said as he placed a hand on Peter's shoulder. This finally made Peter look at Tony, and he shook his head.

'I'm okay' he signed. Tony was about to disagree when the elevator dinged and two people walked out.

"The best person in the world has arrived." Nat said as she walked closer to the boys.

"And, uh, I'm here too." Bruce said, following Nat. They both smiled at Peter. Tony sighed and took his hand off the boy's shoulder.

Peter waved at Tony, to tell him that he can go and that he'll be fine.

"Alright, I'm off then. Try not to set the place on fire." Tony told the three, as he walked towards the elevator.

"Asshole!" Nat yelled at him before the doors closed. She sighs and turns back to Peter. "He never trusts me."

"So...what do you want to do Peter?" Bruce asked. "We could...play a game? Watch a movie? Or maybe we can take a walk around the park?"

Peter shook his head at the last suggestion. He can't go outside. He can never go outside.

"What do you have in mind then?" Nat asked. Peter walked to the main room, hoping that they understood that they have to follow him. He opened up a drawer from the coffee table and pulled out a stack of UNO cards.

He smiled at Nat and Bruce, and the two looked at each other before shrugging.


'September 18th, 2011


Subject dodged all bullets shot towards him, as well as knives, punches and kicks, at normal health. After 3 days with no food, subject dodged most of them but was shot 2 times in the left arm. After being isolated for over a week with no food and no sleep, subject did well to avoid everything at first, but in the last 5 minutes, every single bullet and fist hit him.

6th sense tests will continue throughout the years.'

'September 20th, 2011


Subject was exposed to a high pitched sound for 5 minutes straight. Damage was minimal. Subject had a 3 minute break before the next high pitched sound went off, this time for 10 minutes. Damage was worse, subject had bleeding ears and started paling. The next high pitched sound went off 4 minutes later, this time for 20 minutes. Subject passed out in the last 5 minutes of the sound.


Subject was chained to the wall, staying in one place while guards spoke to each other a few feet away from him. They edged further away every few minutes to see how far his hearing could travel.

Enhanced hearing tests will continue throughout the years.'

Tony snapped the book shut and groaned into his hands. He couldn't find any hidden messages, or why they were doing all of this to Peter. He was just torturing himself at this point.

"Any new information?" Steve asked from next to him. They were both sat in chairs that they set up near the HYDRA building. Tony sighed and shook his head as he watched SHIELD go in and out of the wrecked building.

"I'm sure we'll find something soon. We can't give up." Steve sighed and adjusted in his seat. A phone started ringing, it was Steve's.

He answered it and brought it up to his ear.

"Hey Buck. How's it going with Sam and his family?" Steve said into the phone. Tony rolled his eyes.

He didn't hear anything Bucky was saying, but he didn't really care either. All he could think about was Peter, and how-

Tony's eyes widened when the realization hit him. He tapped Steve on the arm.

"What?" Steve whispered to Tony, still on the phone with his friend.

"Tell Bucky to get here as soon as possible." Tony told him.

"Why?" The man asked in confusion.

"Dammit Rogers, can't you do anything without needing an explanation first? Just ask him!"

"Fine!" Steve sighed and turned away. "Buck- yeah- uh, when do you reckon you can get back here? Preferably as soon as possible."

"Okay...alright. That's fine. Yeah. See you soon." Steve hangs up. "He said the soonest he can get here is 2 days."

"Okay, that's good enough." Tony muttered as he stood up.

"Care to explain why you need him?" Steve asked, standing up after him.

"I think he can help with the whole HYDRA situation. I have a theory."

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