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Peter hadn't left his room all day, understandably. He wouldn't eat, he wouldn't sleep. He would just lay in his bed and stare at the ceiling.

Tony would check on him frequently. A bit too much, even. He tried to give the boy some space (Bucky and Steve's idea) but it wouldn't last long. When he wasn't checking on Peter, he was trying to track Richard down, with the help of Nat, Steve and Bucky. They were the only ones Tony told about what happened.

It soon got to 11pm, and Tony walked into Peter's room for the 100th time that night. He sat on the edge of his bed and ran his hand through the boy's hair. He did that a lot, because it calmed Peter down. Plus, it grounded Tony.

"It's late. You tired at all?" He asked him. The boy shrugged, he still wasn't talking.

"Okay...are you gonna try and sleep? For me?"

Peter looked at Tony, eyes glassy. He sighed before nodding. He would do anything for Tony.

The man smiled and kissed Peter's forehead. "Good boy."

Peter grabbed his duvet and pulled them over his head. Tony stared at him with watering eyes before standing up and turning off his light. He left his room and shut the door behind him before making his way back over to his team.

"It's too late to do anything now. We'll track him tomorrow and...deal with him." Tony said with a clenched jaw.

"Tony, I know you're angry, but you can't kill this guy. It won't change anything." Steve said.

"Of course you would say that, Rogers." Tony muttered, rubbing his forehead. "He's literally still after Peter! We need to put him down."

"We can't kill him. We'll put him in the Raft. That's better than death, because he'll just get out of it with no punishment if we kill him. No pain." Nat suggested. Tony thought about it, then nodded.

"Yeah...yeah I like that idea. We won't kill him."

"Where was it that Peter said he saw him first?" Bucky asked.

"Hollowvale Cemetery. The one near that creepy ass church." Tony answered.

"And the cafe?"


"Okay we'll check those places first thing tomorrow. Who's gonna stay here with Peter?" Steve asked.

"I don't know...maybe Bruce? Clint? They won't have to do much, just make sure he's okay and make sure he eats. He'll be in his room the whole time anyway." Tony said.

"Peter..." Nat said. Tony looked up and saw the boy stood at the doorway.

"Pete, I thought you were going to sleep." The man said and tried not to get his hopes up that Peter was finally walking around.

'I'm coming with you' Peter signed. Tony forgot that he had super hearing and has probably been listening to everything they've been saying all day.

Tony sighed and stepped closer to him. "You can't come, kid. It's not safe." He said and Peter glared at him.

"He's still after you. You don't need to worry, we'll deal with him, okay? Please just stay here."

Peter shook his head. 'I'm coming'

Tony didn't want to shout. He really didn't, especially because of the circumstances. So he didn't exactly know how to handle this situation.

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