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~ The Next Day ~

Tony groaned into his pillow as his phone rang for the 6th time. He had been getting calls all morning, and all he wanted to do was sleep. He was up till 2 in the morning with Peter, helping him learn sign language.

Tony told Peter that he should go to bed when it was getting close to 12:30, but the boy insisted on staying up. His resilience made Tony proud.

Obviously Peter didn't fully know sign language now, but he knew quite a bit. He knew the alphabet, simple greetings, phrases and things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

He was happy at how far Peter had come since they found him. Ever since the boy told Tony about his powers, they had become closer.

Tony finally got himself to sit up in bed and answer his phone.

"I'm sleeping." He stated into his phone.

"It's 10:30am."

"I stand by my statement."

"Okay, well I think you'll be interested in this." Steve said from the other line.

"Just tell me over the phone. I don't want to drive to wherever you are, Rogers." Tony replied, wiping a hand down his face in exhaustion.

"Fine. But when I tell you, you'll want to come over here." Steve began. "We just finished searching through that HYDRA base. We've had no luck for days, but today we've found something."

Tony suddenly felt awake.

"What did you find?"

"It's about that boy, Peter." Steve answered.

"Shit, okay, I'll be there in 30 minutes." Tony said, throwing the covers off him and sitting up in his bed. He hung up the phone and immediately started getting ready to leave. He had an insanely quick shower before throwing on some clothes and putting on shoes.

He walked out his bedroom and headed towards Peter's. He obviously couldn't bring him with him, he was going to the awful place that tortured him for 4 years.

He opened Peter's door slowly and glanced at the room. He was still sleeping, with the covers over his head like usual. Tony smiled at the sight before making his way towards the sleeping boy.

He slowly and carefully removed the covers from Peter's head, trying not to wake him up. He looked at Peter and smiled to himself. He loved how peaceful he looked.

Tony hesitantly placed a small kiss to Peter's head before putting his head back under the covers and walking out the room. He hoped that the boy was actually asleep, otherwise he would know that Tony kissed him.

Tony felt attached to the kid. He knew that sounded insane, he's only known him for a week. But he can relate to Peter. It makes it easier for him to help the boy. The only difference was, when Tony was found, he got to come back to people he loved. Peter can't do that, he has no one. It just gave more of a reason for Tony to take him under his wing and protect him.

Tony jumped in the backseat of the black car, and told Happy where to drive to. He just hoped he would be back before Peter woke up.

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