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"Peter! We need to head down to the court house to finalize these adoption papers!" Tony called from the main room. He knew Peter could hear him because of his enhanced senses.

"Okay!" The boy shouted back. Tony smiled. He almost wanted to cry. That's how happy he was.

It had been a week since Peter spoke. And gradually, he started talking more and more. It's not like he talks all the time now. Only when he needs to. The rest of the time, he just uses sign language.

But Tony was over the moon nevertheless.

He had never been this happy in his whole entire life. He was completely empty 2 months ago, it was like the kid fit perfectly in the hole in Tony's heart.

Peter came rushing into the main room and gave Tony a quick hug. The man let out a chuckle as he pulled away.

"Someone's happy." He said and the boy nodded enthusiastically.

"Speaking of, Happy should be waiting for us. Let's go!" Tony said with a smile.

Soon, Peter and Tony were sat in an office, both signing the adoption papers with smiles on their faces. In 40 minutes, they were father and son.

They decided to walk through the streets before heading back the car. Tony chatted to the boy. Peter only verbally responded once or twice but he was still intently listening.

They soon came up to an ice cream store, it was called The Waffle Cone, so Peter stopped Tony from walking and gestured towards it. Tony chuckled before sighing.

"Okay, fine. It's impossible to say no to you, by the way. It's like your...evil superpower." Tony thought out loud as they walked into the store.

Tony ordered Peter his favorite ice cream, salted caramel, and ordered himself cookies and cream. They were soon both sat on a table, eating their ice cream and laughing together.

"Kid, I was just wondering, do you think you'll be ready to go to a real school soon? I don't think those hour sessions with FRIDAY will be enough, and plus, you can meet new people." Tony said as he finished his ice cream. "And it won't be one of those annoying and unhygienic public schools. I can get you into a science school for smart kids like you."

Peter set down his spoon and stared at the table for a few seconds, trying to come up with a response.

"It's your decision, Pete. You can say no if you want." Tony quickly added. Peter looked back up at him before smiling.

He nodded, making a smile appear on Tony's face.

"Yeah?" He said. Peter smiled.


Tony's smile grew even bigger as Peter picked up his spoon again.

"Hold on, bud." Tony said as he grabbed a tissue and wiped at the corners of Peter's mouth, which were covered with ice cream. Peter let out a heart warming laugh before finishing his ice cream.

And just for a moment, everything was perfect.

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