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Tony took Peter to Wakanda less than a week later. Peter was insanely nervous the whole ride in the Quinjet. He tapped his foot and drummed his fingers on his leg. Tony had to sooth his nerves countless times.

Peter realized he hadn't messaged Ned or MJ in a while. He hadn't even been at school for a week. He decided now would be the best time to do it, considering he might not be able to even use his phone for a while.

He has thousands of missed calls and messaged from them. He had already seen them, but he just didn't have the energy or the motivation to answer.

Peter 👾: hey guys.
sorry I haven't been at school or messaged you back.

Ned 🎮: peter! are u ok?

Peter 👾: well it's kinda complicated. some stuff has been happening and I may not see you for a while.

MJ 📚: some stuff?

Peter 👾: yeah, I'm really sorry but I can't tell you what it is. will you trust me when I say it's top secret avenger stuff?

Ned 🎮: really?! that's so cool! yeah dude we trust you!

MJ 📚: yeah, don't worry. we won't ask.

Peter 👾: thanks guys. I'll see you soon.

Feeling satisfied that he updated Ned and MJ on the situation, he switched his phone off and put it aside before leaning his head back in his seat and closing his eyes. That only lasted for about 10 minutes before Tony was tapping on his shoulder.

"Pete, we're here." He whispered. Peter fluttered his eyes open and rubbed them to get rid of the blur. As soon as his vision was clear, his mouth was agape.

Wakanda was...beautiful. The oceans, the rivers, the waterfalls, the mountains, the cliffs, the huts, the buildings.

"Breathtaking, isn't it?" Tony said from beside him. Peter immediately nodded his head. He had never seen anything like it.

"I'm glad you like it, kid, because you're gonna have to get used to it." He said as the Quinjet opened. Peter gulped. He suddenly felt extremely nervous, but followed Tony outside regardless.

As soon as they stepped out, he saw people waiting for them. 2 women, and a man. They were dressed in luxurious clothing and were stood up straight and welcoming. It made Peter feel very self conscious in his sweatpants and t-shirt.

"Tony Stark, such a pleasure to see you again." The man greeted him once they reached him. He took Tony's hand and shook it.

"Likewise. Well...when we met wasn't the best of situations, but we move forward." Tony chuckled and earned a grin from the man. "So, how's being King of Wakanda treating you?" He asked. Peter's eyes immediately widened.

This man is the King of Wakanda?!

A million thoughts raced through Peter's head as Tony and the King were talking. Was he standing up straight enough? Did he look polite? Was he supposed to bow?

He looked up and caught eyes with the woman standing next to the King. She looked young, maybe around Peter's age, maybe slightly older. She gave him a comforting smile, so he smiled back. Could she tell that Peter was freaking out?

"So, this young man is Peter, I assume?" Peter finally heard the King's voice again and he looked up at him. Before he could respond, Tony beat him to it, which Peter was very grateful for.

"Yes, this is Peter, my son." Tony said with a proud smile. He placed a hand on Peter's shoulder and moved him closer to the King. Peter gulped.

The King took Peter's hand in a handshake. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Peter." He said with a smile.

You can trust now, Peter darling Where stories live. Discover now