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It was 4pm. Peter was supposed to be meeting his friends in 1 hour. He was definitely planning on it, there was just something he had to do first. Especially after that dream he had last night. Another one about his parents death. Another reminder that they weren't coming back. Another reminder that his father's body was still missing to this day.

He put on his jacket, then his shoes.

"You heading off already? I thought you were meeting them at 5pm?" Tony said, as he watched Peter tie his laces in the living room.

"Yeah, it's 5pm. I just need to do something first." Peter said and stood up.

"Yeah, that doesn't sound sketchy at all." Bucky muttered from the couch.

"If you're gonna do drugs, just make sure you don't get caught. We don't really want to deal with that shit so early on. We thought that would be at least a few years down the line." Carol said, making everyone else laugh.

"Yeah, the cops already don't like us so try not to get in too much trouble...but y'know, have fun." Clint added with a laugh.

"Okay, I know this started off as a joke but now I'm worried." Tony said, finally looking up from his phone. Peter smirked and rolled his eyes.

"Relax. I'm not gonna do anything illegal." Peter said.

"Way to be boring, Pete." Scott said, stuffing his face with cereal.

"Don't encourage crime on him, Scott! Just because you're a criminal-" Steve began.

"Hey! My law breaking days are over!"

"See, this is why I'm leaving early." Peter said, gesturing to the group of Avengers. "You guys are insane."

"Ouch...but touché." Nat said, shrugging. Steve sat down next to her on the couch and wrapped an arm around her.

"Alright, bye guys!" Peter said as he walked out the room.

"Keep your phone on! And be back by 6!" Tony called back while everyone said goodbye.

Peter's smile dropped as soon as he was sure they couldn't see him anymore. He let out a shaky breath as he stood in the elevator. He was building up the courage to do this. To do something he had only done once in his life. Go somewhere he had only been once in his life. Yet, he still remembers exactly where they are.

He walked down the sidewalk of the street for around 30 minutes before he finally approached the cemetery. He opened the creaky gate and stepped in, making his way down the path.

He walked and walked and walked, until he eventually found the headstones of Mary Teresa Parker and Richard Laurence Parker.

Peter swallowed before slowly sitting down, cross legged, in front of the headstones. The last time he visited them was when he was 7. He just couldn't after that, and then...well...he was taken.

Being in front of the headstones just brought back every single memory from his childhood. And that only brought tears in his eyes, allowing them to run down his face.

Every memory. Eating that cookie his mother gave him before dinner. Watching the news with his father. Spending Christmas with them, May and Ben. Going to the playground. His father helping him build things out of scraps. All down to the moment the police came knocking on the door.

Peter turned around and his eyes widened as they fell on another headstone. May Reilly Parker.

And just like that, Peter was sobbing. He knew she was dead. He's known for 2 months. But as horrible as it sounds, he thought he managed to forget. He thought he pushed away the fact that she killed herself. It was at the back of his mind. He shuffled over to her headstone and traced her name with his finger.

"I'm sorry, May." He whispered as his sobbing turned into a silent cry. He looked to the right, and there stood Benjamin Franklin Parker's headstone. He already knew it was there, from all those years ago. But in that moment, everything suddenly felt so real. The fact that all his family was dead.

He turned back around and stood at his parents graves again. The suddenly, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up and Peter was ready to panic. He whipped his head around and saw a man staring at him.

Peter looked closer. Brown hair. Brown eyes. A mole beside his eyebrow. A chip in his tooth as the man gave Peter a comforting smile. There was no mistaking it.

But it couldn't be.

It's not possible.


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