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The next day, Peter was doodling a spider on a piece of paper that was left on the coffee table in the main room whilst he watched Big Hero 6.

Tony was writing something on some documents in the kitchen. Peter wasn't really bothered about it. He was too focused on Baymax, who was now on the screen.

A warm glow from the sun suddenly filled the room. It felt amazing on Peter's skin and a smile appeared on his face. He turned his head and looked at the giant window, and the ground below it.

He turned his head back to look at Tony. He was still fixed on the documents. Peter stood up and walked over to the window, placing a hand on the glass and staring at the outside world with a sense of longing.

It was a warm day. It wasn't cold enough for a coat but it was also too hot to wear a hoodie. It was the perfect temperature. The perfect day.

"Peter? You okay?" A voice asked from behind him. Peter flinched and turned around. Tony was no longer staring at his documents and was now staring at the boy.

Peter looked back at the window before quickly looking at Tony again. He nodded with a sad smile. He looked back at the window.

It had been 4 years, 2 months and 3 weeks since he had been outside. Properly. He was beginning to think that maybe today was the day. He needed to face his fears.

Besides, Tony would be with him. He would protect Peter.

He suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder and he flinched once again. Tony removed his hand and held it upwards to say sorry. Peter felt bad, he couldn't help that he flinched every time Tony touched him. He didn't want to, he was worried that the man felt unwanted. But that wasn't the case.

"What's got you all distracted? You keep spacing out." Tony asked.

Peter looked back out the window. He pointed to it, hoping Tony would understand what Peter was trying to say.

"Outside? What about it?" Tony asked. Peter sighed in frustration. He was tired of writing what he wanted to say all the time so he just had to work with what he had. Which was himself.

He pointed to his chest and then to the window.

"Really? You're ready to go outside?" Tony asked, a smile growing on his face. Peter looking nervous, and he felt it too.

"How bout this...we'll go out a little bit at a time. So today we'll go out for 20 minutes, then tomorrow would be 30 minutes, and so on." Tony suggested because he sensed that Peter was still unsure.

The boy thought for a few seconds, still staring out the window. He then turned his head to Tony and nodded.

A huge grin appeared on Tony's face. He was proud of Peter. Extremely proud.

"Alright, I'll grab Happy. He can drive us. Get your shoes on!" Tony called out to Peter as he walked away. It was almost like he was more excited than the boy was.

Which was 100% true. Peter was terrified. But he can't back out now.


Tony held the Audi door open for Peter and he hopped in. Tony closed the door and got in the other side.

The kid looked around the car in awe. He had never been in any of Tony's cars before, only the quinjet.

"Take us to Cheretell Park, Happy." Tony told the driver. The car started and before Peter knew it, they were driving down the road, cars and trees flashing past in a colorful blur.

A few minutes had passed. Peter just stared out the window, trying not to panic as the realization of what he was about to do hit him. He started shaking slightly and mentally cursed at himself.

You can trust now, Peter darling Where stories live. Discover now