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Jeon jungkook he sitting lonely in his house he parents were coming today to talk with new nanny .

They never took care of jungkook the boy never knew what is parents love .

He then stopped expecting .he was not even excited when they said that they were coming he just sat on stool and started to paint.

"Little master your parents are calling "his Buttler said.

Jungkook went down to living area.

"How are jungkook "mr.jeon asked .

"I am good how are you and mom "jungkook said with blank Face .

"Were good son "his mom said .

"Today your new nanny is coming jungkook I hope you act good "Jeon said and jungkook just gave a nod.

Jin saw how taehyung was sleeping in his chest the car stopped in front of mansion .

Even though he don't wanna wake up the little bear but he has to he can't carry all laggage and tae .

"Baby get up "jin said slowly caressing his back.

The little boy slowly opened his eyes he was not heavy sleeper.

"See baby we came ".jin said
Taehyung was still clutching to his neck.

He slowly looked at the mansion which was very big he slowly got down for his mom's lap .

Jin open the car door and jin put the baby in the ground who was just looking at mansion he was so mesmerized by seeing the beautiful mansion.

Jin open the car door and jin put the baby in the ground who was just looking at mansion he was so mesmerized by seeing the beautiful mansion

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Jin took laggage and went inside .
Taehyung followed him

"Mama see there so many flowers "taehyung said around .

Jin just smiled looking at little one.

They went inside Jeon's and there son was standing near couch.

"Hello am Jeon jungsun.
And this is my wife mira."mr.jeon introduce him .

"Hello mr.jeon "jin said with bowed to him.

"What your name little one "mira asked taehyung.

"Am taetae" taehyung said with big boxy smile .

Pc-googleMira just pinched his cheeks boy was so adorable

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Mira just pinched his cheeks boy was so adorable.

"You have adorable son"mira said.

"Yes thank you mrs.jeon"jin said.

"And this is my son jungkook "mira introduce jungkook who just gave a nod.

Taehyung turned towards jungkook.
He gave big bright boxy smile to him.jungkook looked at tae he was looking so cute he tried hard not to pinch his cheeks when gave big boxy smile to him.

Jungkook just turned his head.taehyung saw how other was not responding .he stopped showing his teeth to particular bunny.

(Ok you want jungkook to call jin )

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