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It was evening jin may come home tonight.

Jungkook saw taehyung was drawing something sitting on the floor but he can hardly see his face his messy hair has so much volume.

All jungkook can see was boba Ball.
He chuckled looking at tae.
He went to closet and brought 2 small hair bands.

"Tae come here "he called sitting near dressing table.

Tae got up and ran towards the Jungkook his messy hair bouncing due to force.

He came near him.

"Can tie your hair tae "jungkook asked showing his sparkly eyes which irresistible and it's hard to say no .

Tae agreed to him .
Jungkook gently combed his hair and made two small buns .tae was just staring at his bun.

Jungkook kissed those 2 small bun.

"Bun can we go to garden "taehyung asked.

"Off course bear we will "jungkook said .

He took him to garden Taehyung made  jungkook to sit in garden and ran towards the flowers.

He took him to garden Taehyung made  jungkook to sit in garden and ran towards the flowers

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Jungkook can view small two buns.

After taehyung came towards him with flower crown which he made himself .

"Will you be my Princess bun "taehyung asked boxy smile .

He want his bun to his princess.
He have seen in many cartoons Princess will be beautiful and soft just as his bun .

But  he doesn't know not every Princess is soft .

Jungkook eyes widened when he heard that but then turned it into small smirk.

"you want me to be your Princess tae "jungkook asked.

Tae gave excited nod.

"Then you will be my prince forever "jungkook asked with darkened eyes .

If tae will say yes jungkook will never let  him go what ever happens he will keep him all to himself.

Though taehyung doesn't know the deep meaning behind the Jungkook questions he just said yes.

"Yes bun I will be "he said placed crown on jungkook head.

And kissed him on lips
Jungkook hugged him tightly he goal was clear now he will never let him go .

'your mine tae forever 'he mumbled and kissed on his forehead .

It was night jin came back form the hospital .he went to Jungkook room saw taehyung was already sleeping.

Jungkook who awake few minutes ago he was just playing with small hair and enjoying the little human cuddles.

He heard door sound with peripheral vision he saw jin was coming inside .he immediately closed his eyes and hugged taehyung tightly .he know if jin saw awake he will take taehyung with him and jungkook doesn't want it .

Jin saw both taehyung and jungkook sleeping while hugging each other jin smiled at both of them he doesn't want to distrub them so he closed the door and slowly went to his room.he miss his bear so much but he needs wait till morning to meet.

As jin closed the Jungkook slowly opened his eyes .

He smiled when he succeeded his plan .

He kissed on taehyung forehead and hugged moved closer taehyung .

He want to hold taehyung in his arms every night but he know he can't be possible .he need to wait some time.tae was too young .

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