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Jin doesn't what to do namjoon is coming to home he cleaned his place he doesn't want to find out out anything about the mr.jeons vist.

He can't sperate jungkook and taehyung.
The door opened widely .
Jin looked at the door it was jungkook's fear he was trying hard to control his emotions.

On other hand jungkook saw jin eyes it were red .He can easily guess his dad warmed eomma.

"How come you're here kook "jin asked with forced smile.

"Did my dad visited here eomma"jungkook asked he does want to beat around the bush.

Jin eyes widened after hearing that .
Sweat formed on his forehead.

"N-No k-kook what are you saying ".jin said trying to best convince him.

Jungkook scoffed when jin stuttered.

"I didn't know what he said to you eomma but remember who ever try to take my tae away from me I will make sure i will kill everyon EVERYONE "

Jin saw jungkook's  eyes it was a warning which include  him too.

Jin saw jungkook's  evil eyes.he know jungkook  was possessive  in child when he was kid.but it was now beyond his expectations.

Jungkook came forward  and caressed jins cheeks .

"So dont do any thing  crazy be good mother an do what i say not my dad and i will take care my dad ".

"See you "
Jungkook  said and went out side the house.
He stood near car.
His phone  ringed it was taehyung  .beautiful  smile adored his face.

"Hello bun ".

"Hey bear ".

"I am in office   where are you bun ".

"I was at meeting tae am coming  home  easily today come to house okay ".

"Ok ".

Jungkook  made dinner  and freshed  up.

He heard  door bell .
He went to open it there he saw Taehyung standing  there

As soon as he saw tae  He hugged  taehyung tightly.
Even he was acting all cold outside the vedio of taehyung  shook him upto core .it did leave effect on him .

"What happened  bun "taehyung  asked hugging  him back.

Jungkook  didn't  replyed but hugged  taehyung more tightly  and nuzzeled  his face in others neck.Feeling his natural scent.

Taehyung  know he will not get answer.

He tapped  jungkook  thighs .to which jungkook  slightly  jumped  and secured  his legs  around youngers waist.

Taehyung  took him inside and closed  the door .

He went to couch  and sat on it jungkook  was still holding  him.

Jungkook was wearing  white loose shrit which made it expose his shoulder an collar bones .

Taehyung  gave small kisses  on his neck and collar bones jungkook purred  in his touch .

"What happened  baby "taehyung  asked slowly  giving small smooches on his shoulders  and collar bones.

"I miss you "jungkook  said with small pout.

Taehyung  cupped  jungkook  face.

"My bun missing me too much isn't  it "taehyung  asked .

Jungkook  pouted  more and slightly  nodded  his head.

Taehyung  chuckled  looking  at his bun.
He pecked others lips softly.

"Dont miss me to much baby i will always there for you "taehyung  said caressing his cheeks.

"I love you so much ".jungkook  said and kissed  on his fore head.countinued to do it.

Taehyung  wants to take there relationship  to next but jungkook  wants to wait for his graduation. His bun waited for him so so much.He decide to purpose  him for marriage soon.
He graduation  is in just few weeks.

He will not make his bun wait anymore.

" i love you tooo"

Yeah am alive.

It took me some time for adjusting  my new timetable  .so i couldn't  write anything.

There will be regular updates form now on .

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