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Soon the birthday came whole mansion was decorated with different colour lights and flower.

Jungkook's family members were also present at the party .

Jimin Jungkook's cousin whose is 2 years elder then him has came today.

Jimin Jungkook's cousin whose is 2 years elder then him has came today

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Park jimin

Jimin was very existed too meet his cousin bother after many days .even jungkook does talk very much to jimin .

Jimin was running towards the Jungkook's room didn't saw little human who bumbed into him .

(Taehyung height is upto jimin's mid thighs)
Jimin gasped when he saw small boy on floor.

He hurried picked up the boy.

"Are you ok baby "he said.

Taehyung slowly looked up to see plump lip boy.

He noded "yes hyungie "taehyung gave him boxy smile.

Which immediately melted his heart.

"Aren't you little too adorable baby ". jimin asked pinching his cheeks.

"Yes taetae is "other responded.

"What is your name hyungie ". taehyung asked new person .

"Am jimin "jimin said giving him angelic smile.

"Am taetae chimmy hyungie ".

Jimin was about ask who boy was but Jimin's mother called him.

"Bye little one we will meet again".

Jimin went to Jungkook room who was just sitting and painting something.

"Hello brother your drawing on your birthday too"jimin asked going near jungkook.

Jungkook just looked at jimin and again looked at the canvas.

"Any way happy birthday "jimin said handling him small gift .

Jungkook just took gift with small "thanks you ".

He was already lot irritated today he parents and relative's were bugging him continuously .
And most importantly he didn't see the little bear since morning the boy didn't even wished him.

He huffed again "are you ok "jimin asked
"Yes "he said with certain irritation in his voice .

Jimin left the room he can't handel the grumpy kid any more .

"mama can I go to bun now plz "taehyung asked .

"You can tae see if any one is taking to kookie only apporach him if he is free ok "jin said

Jin restricted him for meeting jungkook.

May be Jeon's don't bother their son playing with maid's son but other people will .

Tae held the gift and fastly ran to jungkook room.

Jungkook saw taehyung entering room he was were cute adorable outfit.

Jungkook wants too kiss those cheeks so bad but he just turned his face to right

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Jungkook wants too kiss those cheeks so bad but he just turned his face to right.

"Happy Birthday bun "taehyung said hugging his legs.

"You finally remembered my birthday bear"jungkook asked pouting and kneeled to reach his height.

"Sorry bun mama was not allowing to see you cause your busy "tae said cupping his cheeks leaving gift on floor.

Jungkook haven't said anything still pouting.

Taehyung leaned and kissed his lips few seconds.and moving back .other still didn't reacted .

Taehyung gave small smooches on his entire face he did it until he heared small giggles for elder.

"You really know what to do baby "jungkook asked .

Taehyung nodded his head.

"Your are looking beautiful bun ".
Jungkook slightly blushed when other said that .

"What you got me bear "jungkook said looking at the gift.

Taehyung handed him "open it hyungie ".

Jungkook open it was 2 bears one was white and other was brown

Jungkook chuckled when he saw bun was written on white bear and brown has taetae on it

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Jungkook chuckled when he saw bun was written on white bear and brown has taetae on it.

"We are this bears bun "taehyung said .

Jungkook was felt some to tingling sensation in his stomachs.

He just hugged his own bear tightly.

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