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They went down jin was still holding him  Tae was explaining how he drawing with jungkook .

They went jin again placed him on table.
Jungkook sat near tae.

"I made strawberry pancakes and  banana milk for kookie"jin said

Jungkook showed his bunny teeth to him he really like it very much.

Jin served them pancakes and placed the strawberries on top.

"Tae you should eat pancakes too not only strawberries ok "jin said
Tae always eat strawberries leaving pancakes.

Other slowly noded.
Jin sat infront tae saw  how his cute bear was eating strawberries .whipped cream was on his fingers and face.

Taehyung took strawberries form his plate and placed in on the Jungkook plate .

Jungkook looked at  messy bear who gave him a smile.
With cream on his lips .

"You gave strawberries to kookie baby "jin asked .he never share strawberries with anyone now he was giving to jungkook.

"Yes cause bunny hyungie taught me paint  with my puwple color ".

"It's purple baby "jin corrected it .

After breakfast jin took taehyung for bath .

"Come on its time for your bath baby "jin said and lifted taehyung and took him to the room.

Jin  collected taehyung's shower soap and shampoo .

He sat on small stool Taehyung was standing infront of him jin .

Jin took shampoo and slowly started wash tae's hair .

"Should I give you hair cut baby I can hardly see your eyes ".jin asked rubbing his small head .

"Nooooo.I like my hair so much".

"As your wish baby ".

After shower jin  made him wore small yellow sweater and black short for taehyung.

After shower jin  made him wore small yellow sweater and black short for taehyung

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"Mama "taehyung asked tugging jin hand .

"Yes bear ".

"Shall we go to garden "taehyung asked pointing to garden .

"Yes will go baby ".

Jin took taehyung to garden they toured little around the garden.

Jin took some flower form the garden .he folded his legs and sat in the grass.

Took taehyung made him sit on his lap.

Taehyung back was touched jin stomach.

He sat comfortably on mother's lap.

"I will show you how to make flower crown ok".
Jin said collecting flower taehyung was just attentively watching flowers.

"Wow mama it's beautiful taehyung said ".

Jin placed small flower crown on his head .
"For for beautiful little Prince" jin said and kissed him on fluffy  hair .

Taehyung giggled at that .
"Then you will be my princess mama."taehyung asked looking at him with big doe eyes.

"No baby am your mama I can't be your priceness baby someone else will be  .you need to take care of your Princess love them and cherish them  ok baby ."even though taehyung didn't understand some terms he just gave a nod.

Jin don't want raise his son like his dad who left them when he got to know that jin was pregnant he need raise him like proper man .

Jin looked down see taehyung was already sleeping clutching his shirt jin chuckled seeing his small one.

He caressed his baby's cheeks and kissed on forehead he sat there some time it was peaceful in garden especially when small one was holding on him and sleeping .

He did a best decision keeping this adorable baby .

He slowly moved Curley hair on his forehead.

Jungkook looking at mother and son duo through window he was just looking at them without blinking his he wants to feel the warmth .he want some one to take care of him .

( I love baby tae so much when jin is his mama )

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