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It is my second time writing this much big chap my last big chap was around 11hundread words but this one was 13 hundred words.

I want to split this chap as two from but didn't want to do it as reader .

So enjoy.

But there is catch .


Taehyung went to home next he decide to propose jungkook day after tomorrow he need to prepare lot.

But first he needs to tell his mom and dad .

Namjoon , Jin where sitting on the sofa . Taehyung said he gonna confess something .

Jin was fiddling his fingers.while looking at taehyung .He feeling anxious . he was tapping his foot continuosly.

Taehyung came and sat infront on them.

"Dad and mom I want to purpose kook tomorrow for the marriage". taehyung said.

Jin eyes widened as he looked at taehyung

"We will more then happy baby "namjoon said .

Jin can stop him  or else he can't even imagine what jungkook will do to him .

Taehyung was looking at his mother's approval.

Jin heart was beating very fast but he covered it up with a little smile.

"We approve baby "jin said.

Taehyung jump little and kissed on his mom's forehead and hugged namjoon.

"Thanks you so much "taehyung said and went outside.

Namjoon looked at jin ."are you ok "he asked.

Jin hugged namjoon "yeah ".

He was still thinking what jungkook will do his dad.He was truly afraid.

It was night mr.jeon was going to guest house .It was drak outside.
He took turn to new road all he can see was drak no street light no building only light was coming his car head light.

He again took a right he eyes widened when big vehicle which coming in his lane with full speed .

He turned his streeing with full speed as fast as he can he senses where weeking due to sudden incident .
He car hit the tree .But not with full force .He can see black dots .He slowly slummed on the streeing.closing his eyes.

Many noises could heard he couldn't recognise who was taking .He slowly opened his eyes bright light falled on his eyes.he opened eyes blinking few times.

Mr.jeon looked around jungkook was looking at him teary eyes and his secretary was standing infront of him.

"Are you feeling ok dad "jungkook asked him with small voice .

"Yeah "mr.jeon said.

"Someone tried to kill you sir you are lucky to miss it sir . Actually big vechicals are not allowed in that area .It was planned  "his secretary said.

" I will call doctor "he said went out .

mr.jeon gave a small nod and looked and jungkook .

Jungkook stood up and cleaned tears is his eyes.

He moved little closer to his dad ears and whisphered.
"You didn't missed to I made it missed". jungkook said and moved back only to see he dads horrified shocking face.

He chuckled looking at him and winked at him  .

"I don't what to do all this things dad but your making me do it.It is just a warning dad .If any person who is your place and touched my taehyung  I will kill him already.
As your my dad  am execusing for the first time not dirty gun touched my bears head which I pamper with lots of kisses so if want to leave peacefully leave this shit hear I don't want to kill anyone but I will if even look at my taehyung side "jungkook said.

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