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It was night tae introduce jungkook to his grandparents.They were actually shocked to see how jungkook was comfortable with this environment .
They liked jungkook a lot.

It was next day taehyung was again going to the farm with them .
Jungkook tagged along with them he can't stay away from tae .

In the morning it was well and good for jungkook .He walked behind Tae who was running in strawberries fields eating some .He held jungkook hand showed him beautiful fields.

It was jungkook's first time to see feilds it was so peaceful and clam.The cool wind was hitting there faces .But as it was his first time .He slowly started to loose his energy.
But he is not giving up he saw how taehyung was enjoying in fields.

It was mid noon.Jungkook was sitting on the grass . Taehyung was helping his grandpa.

Jungkook tried to see tae but all he could see back dots.he couldn't hear any this .Before he knows he fainted on the grass.

When tae and grandpa heard thud sound there looked around to see jungkook laying on the ground.

Tae ran to him "bun "he called him slowly patting his checks
Other was not responding .
His eyes turned teary.He looked at his grandpa .His lips wombbled .

"It's ok baby he just fainted because of heat will take him home ok " said.Tae tried to lift him but he couldn't he was too small and jungkook was is in early teen.

"I will do it bear " lifted jungkook took him too the house.

He placed him on bed jungkook slowly started get up .jin gaved him glass of water
"Are you okay kookie "he asked looking at him.

"Am okay eomma "jungkook said he drank water in one go.

Tae sat beside just watching him .
"Take some rest kookie we will be leaving "jin said .
Only tae and jungkook was there in room.

Jungkook saw how taes eyes were puffy.
Jungkook lifted tae now he was sitting on his lap .

he cupped smaller one's face .

"Am okay baby bear "jungkook said.
Tae looked at him .
"Taetae is sorry he is not strong I not helped my bun "tae said with glossy eyes.

"Don't cry baby you always help me baby just your presence is enough for me baby don't cry I can't see you crying my baby bear "jungkook said and kissed his forehead .

"Bun "tae called.
"Hmm ". jungkook hummed.

"Don't come with me from tomorrow okay "tae said .

"But I miss you tae I can't stay here "jungkook said with pout.

Taehyung smiled and pecked his lips .
"Then taetae will also not go".
There scarifies are mutual for each other that's how they love each other .

Ok last babytae chap if i get any ideas in feature I will add to bonus chaps or oneshots .

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