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It's one week after jimin went off jin got to know that jimin was actually fell down from stairs that day .He didn't know why jungkook didn't said anything about it.

Jin also saw many behavioural changes of jungkook .He saw how he was becoming more bold now a days.
The boy who used to hardy talk to him was was now so comfortable with tae.He was even asking jin directly that can he sleep with tae cause he was feeling lonely.

It was hard for jin to reject those innocent eyes.but he doesn't know jungkook was actually taking advantage of it.

Jeon's came recently and mr.jeon took jungkook to some business party which was not interested in.

Jin was in kitchen taehyung was drawing something.
Jin got call from mom his dad health is good they were Missing taehyung so much .

Jin decided to go daegu today.
He was packing his stuff.
"Mama were are we going "taehyung asked holding small bear.

"To see grandpa and grandma baby ".jin said.

"Really I Missed them so much"taehyung said.

"I know baby they missed you so much "jin said.

Jin packed his stuff and went downstairs with tae .

"Mrs.jeon I am going I will return in few days "jin said.
Actually joen's were staying some long this time so it was correct time for jin to take leave.

"It's okay have safe ride "mrs.jeon said smiling.

"Bye little one "mrs.jeon said ruffling his hair.

"And this is for you "she said handling him chocolate.from her bag.

"Thanks you your so sweet "tae said with adorable boxy smile.
Mrs.jeon smiled looking at adorable baby.
"I will take leave now mrs.jeon "jin bowed to her and left the house.

"Come on baby "jin took tae to car and they went away.

On other hand jungkook was exhausted with the party .

He felt so irritating when his dad introduce him with  people of his age group and they were so energetic and  continuosly blabbering .

He felt so annoyed but he know he should keep clam he dad was keeping eyes on him.He just wants to go home as soon as possible and cuddles with his bear.

He know he needs to bare 2 more hours then he can see his baby bear.

Finally the awful business meeting came to end .mr.jeon and jungkook were driving back home . jungkook was impatiently tapping his feet.

"Why are you being restless jungkook were are just going home "his dad asked .

"Nothing "jungkook said and looked outside.

They entered the house jungkook quickly went to inside the house not even waiting for his dad.

He went inside only see his mom in kitchen instead of jin.

"Mom were is taehyung and Jinie eomma "jungkook asked looking around.

"Oh they went to daegu baby for some day's".mrs.jeon said.

How will jungkook react after knowing this.

And you know I unknowingly published his chap as same time as yesterday 8:27

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