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It's September and jungkook birthday will be in few days.

Jin was baking something in kitchen.

"Mama what are you doing ". taehyung asked running into kitchen.

"Slow down taehyung you will fall again "jin said .

"I am making cupcakes bear "jin said decorating the cupcakes.

"Why are doing this mama"taehyung asked jin only do this on occasion.

"Jungkook's parents are coming today baby for celebrating his birthday ".

"Really"taehyung asked with twinkle in his eyes.

"Can you give to jungkook baby "jin asked holding a tray.

"Yes mama ".

Taehyung took tray and went into jungkook room.

Jungkook was actually very fursturated today his parents only come on his birthday just show off that they care about there son but the reality is they only care about the business .he fed up all this lies .

Jungkook has frown on his face he tried to sleep to get rid this frustration.

He didn't saw that little bear entered the room.

Taehyung saw jungkook was sleeping with frown on his face.

He slowly went towards his bed and placed tray on table.

With his small hands he tried to remove the frown.

A smile formed on jungkook lips when he felt those small hands on his forehead.

He slowly open his eyes to see fulffy bear with big boxy smile.

"You awake bun ". taehyung asked.

Jungkook didn't said .he lifted taehyung on bed and made him sleep on top of him.

He hugged the small his bear tightly .
"Yes bear "Jungkook said still hugging him.

Taehyung face was currently on jungkook's chest he slowly looked up .
He placed elbow on him and cupped his own face with one hand.

"Bun ".he called .

"Yes "jungkook asked looking fondly at younger.

"What you want gift for birthday "taehyung asked .

"What you will asked "jungkook asked hugging him with one hand and other was playing with younger's hair.

"I will anything "taehyung said .

"Ok then I want taebear "jungkook said Slightly smirking.

Taehyung didn't get what other was saying then After some time it striked him.

"Silly Bun it's teaddy bear not taebear "taehyung said laughing to himself.

Jungkook just sighed he was too young to understand what he said.

He just leaned and kissed his forehead.

"Ok what ever you say baby bear "jungkook said again kissing his cheeks.

"Bun you haven't kissed me hear "he showed his lips .

Pink shad formed on his cheeks when taehyung asked that .

Taehyung saw other was not responding so he leaned and gave soft peck on bunny's lips.After that giggling . jungkook smiled at the younger.

Both ended up sleeping .

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