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At namjoon's office.

Taehyung went inside the and started do his work .
He was so into the work but suddenly got distrubed by notification of the message.

It was audio form so unknown number .

He connect the bluetooth air pods .
He started to play the audio .
He continued doing his work.

It was some one 's  voice same to his bun but it is more horse and deep .

Threatening some one to stay away form kim taehyung.Taehyung stop his work when he heard his name .

'It is fake my bun is not like that someone is trying to separate us' .he said tooo himself

Before there marriage taehyung saw jungkook many times in gloomy .he comforted him
Jungkook said some of his enemy trying to separate them.

Taehyung gritted his teeth remembering that .he took air pods out and delete the audio and blocked the number 'what they gain by sperating us 'taehyung said with rage .

He can't stay in environment any more he wants to go to his bun .He looked at watch jungkook must already come home.he thought and went out of the office.

He parked the car and went inside .
He knocked the door .there jungkook opened the door wearing a light pick apron with fluffy hair falling on his eyes totally looking like cutest baby .

Taehyung went inside held his buns waist making him move closer.

He leaned a little and slowly kissed him.jungkook clutched taehyung coller and kissed him back .

When there lips met taehyung felt the piece . Jungkook's soft moving on his lips .Making him totally forget about the surrounding and  concentrate only on his bun .

They broke the kiss.
"You're looking adorable bun "taehyung said and cupped olders  both cheeks  and kissed on his forehead.jungkook held taehyung hands and smiled .

"Only for hubby ".he said closing his eyes .

He enjoyed the moment for some time .

They had there dinner while jungkook sitting on taehyung lap feeding each other .There beautiful giggles where echoing the big house .

As jungkook  made dinner taehyung decided to wash dish .
But jungkook already Missed him since morning.
"I miss you so much  mow you have stay in office always "jungkook said whining a little.

"I know bun we will sort out soon so that my bun can be always on my lap an do his work ".
Taehyung said he moved head to side and bumped it to others head .

"How much time "jungkook whined.

"Soon my baby "taehyung said .

So now jungkook was back hugging and placed small kisses on others shoulder blades and neck while taehyung was washing dishes.
After that they went inside the room
Hugging each while talking about the today.

Taehyung avoided the topic about the audio he doesn't want to say anything about that .they where having peacefull movement he doesn't want to make his bun stressed about that ..But this is were he did a mistake.

Soon morning came Couples shared there  beautiful moments which added to there book of there momories.

Taehyung went inside the office it was all most lunch time.  He again that he got notification . From unknown number.

Unknown number:
Blocking me doesn't make
The truth disappear kim.
If that isn't true they why your every
Friend runs aways form you .(seen)

That when it hit him .he stopped kicking his pen .he looked at phone again .he blocked the number but this time little hesitatedly.


Why no one is updating Today there books 😭.   •  •
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