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It was next jungkook dropped taehyung infront of house .

"See you later bun bye "taehyung said before moving out of the car.
Jungkook waved at him.

He entered house he saw his dad .
"Dad "he called other man with beautiful boxy smile adoring his face .

"Dad "he called other man with beautiful boxy smile adoring his face

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He is 2 years older then jin(41) .
Namjoon gave dimple smile to tae .
And hugged the younger.

"How are you baby "namjoon said carssing his back.

"I am fine dad "taehyung said .

Namjoon still remember the beautiful day when he met taehyung and jin.

Flashback 13 years ago.

Namjoon 30 year old man who was totally frustrated .
He sat in park holding his head .

His parents never treated him fair now for ceo post he work hard day and night only handover to his hyung .

He went to dad to confort about this but his dad said he was useless his hyung has more useful than him.

He controlled his anger and stormed out office.

He sat in park it rained hardly that day .He Just sat there not even moving a bit.He lost all his hopes.

He didn't now that his hope will come in from small bear.

He burried his face in his plams let rain fall on him.
He felt small steps towards him he looked small boy with messy curly hair who was holding umbrella above his head .

Namjoon always love kids he thought once he achieved his position he thought of marrying some one and have kids he waited for long time .

The boy on his tip toes so he can place umbrella above his hand it was small rainbow colour umbrella which hardly covering both of them.

"Aajushi you shouldn't not sit in rain". namjoon smile looking at the boy.

"And why is that baby "namjoon asked . Leaning a little to reach umbrella so boy can stand on his legs.

"Then we will get runny nose and no icecream for week .mama always do like this to taetae.if don't want your mama to take your icecream for week then you should be good boy like taetae "the little one explained.

Namjoon chuckled at innocent explanation.

"What's is your name aajushi ". taehyung asked.

"I am namjoon little bear ".

"My mama calls bear too joonie ". taehyung said.

"Shall I drop you at  home baby it's raining little hard "namjoon said as weather was getting worse.

Taehyung noded his head.
Namjoon picked up taehyung .
He held umbrella above taehyung and some part of his head was covering.He don't want little one to catch cold.Taehyung showed him directions and complaining about his mama.

He dropped taehyung on door step and knocked the door.

The door was opened by beautiful male . namjoon breathe struck in throat when he saw him .

He was hugging little human and rambling something .

"Where were you tae mama was worried about you "jin said hugging tae.

"I was at park joonie helped me to come home "taehyung explained pointing finger at namjoon.

Jin stood up and looked at male who was froze in his place.

"Thank you  sir for bringing him home safely "jin said looking at male who was still in daze jin  felt weird he looked at taehyung .

Taehyung tugged namjoon coat which brought him back to his senses.

"Sorry I was just lost actually your little one helped me so I am thankful to you "namjoon said with dimple smile.

That's night jin insisted him stay in there house as it was raining too much.

Slowly they became so close to each other .
Namjoon started his own company jin away was there him encouraging him.Their bond turned from friendship to love .

They married after  2 years . namjoon never went to his parents home he invited to his marriage but they were against it .
Namjoon officially became the guardian of taehyung.

Tae and jin were really his lucky charms.

End of flashback.

They were having breakfast .

"Are there any important class today tae "namjoon asked .

"No dad why "tae asked.

"It nothing baby just want to have some family time "namjoon said.

Jin smiled looking at namjoon.

3 of them enjoyed there day .

Finally JD  won case  .

For last 2 weeks I was just watching about there court trails.

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