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A new morning for couple . taehyung was first one to up . jungkook was still sleeping his bare back was facing him  .They were so much from the last night activities .

Taehyung smiled looking  kook.he placed so small kisses on his back till his nape . jungkook slowly opened his eyes when he felt the kisses . taehyung placed in cheeks on other cheeks and hugged him tightly .

"Good morning baby "taehyung said.

Jungkook can't see taehyung face .he rubbed others hand which were on his waist .

"good morning ".

"Get up we need to go to office or will late ".

Jungkook gave small nod still rubbing his sleepy eyes .

Taehyung took him to washroom .

After that he placed his bun on kitchen counter .made bread and jam that's only thing he can do .

He handed one plate to jungkook .and kissed on his forehead.And was preparing juice.
Jungkook was enjoying this too much .

They decided to take just one car today taehyung will dropping jungkook in office .

Jungkook didn't asked any information about taehyung from his man .

He just worked today .He was feeling happy that taehyung said he will take him out for lunch .

They had there lunch at nearest restaurant .

They both went home peaceful taking with each other .

Jungkook was feeling  how much other love him.He was living the moment .He try to change more.he want leave this beautiful life peacefully with his baby bear .

But there something that taehyung still needs to know .

So at the evening Jungkook took him his old mansion guest room which was always closed .

"I want to show to something bear "jungkook said holding taehyung hand .
"What it is baby ".

Jungkook didn't reply he just opened the door of .

Which has full of paintings .

They are full of taehyung's painting's it was  arranged in chronological order .

Even the painting of taehyung and jin sitting in garden .

And mostly importantly his and jungkook painting of day jungkook taught him his first panting purple tree .

It even have small detail 'puwple color 'on it which 6 years his old self said .

"You did all this bun "taehyung asked with tears in his eyes .

Jungkook came forward cupped younger face .

"Yes baby ". jungkook said looking at younger .

"This is too much baby "taehyung really doesn't what to say this too much overwhelming for him .

"Its nothing I was just picturing beautiful moments of my life baby even if I get old I can still feel it all with these pictures ".

"I love so much bun so much "taehyung said hugged him tightly .
And on jungkooks lips .
The kiss was slow yet  passionate.

Jungkook clucthed younger collor .

They moved back slowly and taehyung caged him between him wall he broke the kiss only to kiss him more roughly .

They night they stayed in mansion.

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