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Next morning Jungkook got up first taehyung was still holding him snoring softly.

He slowly got up
"Bun "he called holding him tightly .
"Good morning bear ". jungkook said kissing him on forehead.

"Good morning ".
"Where is mama "taehyung asked .
Before jungkook could answer jin opened the door.

"Tae "called after listening that taehyung immediately got up and ran towards his mama Jin leaned little and lifted him .
And kissed his entire face
"Mama missed you bear "jin said
"Mee too "taehyung said hugging his mama.

"How are kookie "jin asked ruffling his hair with one hand and other was holding taehyung.

"Am good eomma "he said with small smile .

"Come jungkook get ready today is Monday you need to go to school ".

"Yes eomma I will "he said.

Jin took taehyung with him for bath he saw 2 small buns on his head.

"Your are looking so cute baby bear who tied you buns baby "he asked looking at adorable one.

"Bun bun and mama bun accepted to be my Princess "taehyung said .
Jin chuckled he saw how jungkook was changing little bit he was happy for the kookie.

"Where were you mama 2 days " taehyung asked .

"Oh grandpa was little sick baby that's why I went to see him " jin said .

"But I want to see grandpa too "taehyung pouted.

"But you can't leave your Princess alone in this big house right you should be there with right "jin asked he knows only jungkook  help him to avoid this topic.

"Yes mama "Taehyung said.
"Don't worry baby we will see him soon ok "taehyung gave a nod.

Both taehyung and jungkook got ready and went to the school .

They were at the school jungkook dropped him infront of the class.

"Bye bun "taehyung .

"Bye ".

Taehyung he sat beside his friend .

There teacher entered the class

"Hello class this Saturday we an event I want everyone to dress in hanbok ok "teacher said.

All little heads just gave a noded .

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