Chapter three

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Madison Harper
"Well look what we have here." Topper said knocking the beer out of JJ's hand. I looked at them in disgust as we all stood up now.

"Dude what the hell! We didn't even do shit to you." JJ said angrily.

"Seriously guys leave us alone." Pope said and they chuckled like a bunch of maniacs.

"We know what you dirty pouges did-" JJ interrupted Kelce mid sentence sending his fist to his jaw. Kelce laughed and held his jaw.

"Shit." I whispered placing a hand on my forehead and putting my water down. Rafe eyed me up and down before smirking at me. I shivered uncomfortably.

Topper shrugged his shoulders swinging at JJ. Now this started a fight. John b and Pope jumped in as they were all beating eachother up.

"Kie what do we do!" I said in panic.

"I uh- jump on their backs and kick. I don't know!" She said breathing heavily as we eyed the scene infront of us. My eyes widened and I nodded as we both jumped in. I went for Rafe and Kie went for Topper.

"Let go of him Rafe, stop!" I yelled punching at Rafes back. He groaned letting go of JJ and this gave JJ a chance to help out Pope who was getting choked out.

"Stay out Madison!" Rafe said pushing me off his back causing my small fragile body to slam on the floor. I winced in pain holding my side.

"Madison!" JJ shouted walking over to me. He placed his hand on my temple then my cheek.

"Are you okay? You bleeding or anything?" He said and I shook my head side to side.

"Okay. Get out of here go to the twinkie and start it up Ill tell them now." He said and I nodded grabbing the keys from his hand and running off. I saw Rafe grab JJ but I couldn't help him. I can't believe Rafe did that. Just threw me on the ground like some toy.

I started the van and shook my leg uncontrollably as I fidgeted with my fingers, running a hand through my hair. Did they get hurt? Literally what is taking them so long. I waited and waited until I finally saw 4 teenagers running to the van. I sighed in relief crawling to the back as John b can drive.

They rushed inside and all sat down, breathing heavily.

"Oh my god what happened?" I said slightly loud.

"Rafe was saying that J posted something about him and Lily." John b said as we sped off now driving away from the beach. I furrowed my brows im confusion.

"JJ did you actually post something?" I said still furrowing my brows. He just stood quiet scratching the back of his neck. His silence gave me an answer. I groaned in frustration and threw myself back in my seat.

"JJ you need to stop. Like seriously." Kie said.

"Sorry that he cant handle the truth." JJ said taking his hat off and placing it backwards. I shook my head rolling my eyes.

We arrived at the chateau and we walked inside. I purposely stormed inside and into the spare room I stayed in. I heard faint talking outside bit I didn't care. I was too mad to talk to anyone right now.

I sat on the bed and rubbed my forehead in frustration. I sighed staring at the ceiling. I then heard a knock at my door I looked at the door rolling my eyes before saying they can come im and walked in a very guilty JJ. My anger then changed into guilt as I saw JJ's expressions.

He sat down next to me and looked into my eyes.

"Im sorry." He said and I gave him a faint smile. "It's just you know, I had to he was treating her badly and I really wanted to get back at him so I posted that. I didn't mean for it to start any problems"

"Hey, It's okay J. Im just overreacting. Just please do not do that again. I have to hangout with Sarah tomorrow so do you want me to tell Rafe anything?" I said rubbing his back and patting it one last time before letting go and fidgeting with my fingers.

"Yeah just tell him my bad and to leave me alone." He said and I laughed softly.

"Okay." I said with a smile and he smiled back.

"Night Maddie." He said getting up.

"Night J." I said and with that he was gone. I sighed and changed into some comfortable clothes. After that I got back under the covers and drifted off to sleep.

Sarah better be there when I get to her house.

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