Chapter four

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Madison Harper
I woke up the next morning. I had a headache but it wasn't extremely horrible like the ones I usually have. I got up and went to the restroom brushing my teeth and using the restroom. I groaned walking back to the room and changing into some shorts and a bikini top.

I had a house yes but I never really liked going there since my parents were always out of town. I pretty much had to raise myself since I was 12. They were always on business trips and it hurt because I never had my parents around or had that bond with them.

I brushed out my hair and put on some mascara and chapstick before putting on my converse and heading out the door. No one was up yet so I just texted Jb I was at Sarahs.

I walked there just admiring all the nature around me. I loved nature especially white daisy's. Those were my favorites. I also liked the color green. More specifically sage. It was a beautiful color.

I arrived at the Cameron mansion and walked up the porch. I knocked and knocked and nobody answered. I know this was rude but I had to open the door. I cant just stand outside forever. When I walked in I saw Rafe and Ward having a debate about something. They were so into their conversation they did not even notice me. Maybe this was bad timing. I shut the door behind me and Ward turned around.

"Madison! Hey sweetie." Ward said and Rafe looked annoyed but then smirked like he got an idea about something.

"Hi mr Cameron." I said and he shook his head.

"Call me Ward. Sarah is upstairs I think or shes with Topper." He said and I nodded.

"Madison come here." Rafe ordered. I looked in confusion and so did Ward. I walked over to him slowly as he wrapped his arm around my neck. I tried moving his arm but he resisted. Damn hes strong.

"What are you doing." I whispered through the fake smile I had pasted on my face.

"Follow my lead." He whispered back.

"Dad. The girl im with is Madison." He said and I almost chocked on invisible water. His words making me freeze in place not understanding what the hell is happening.

"What?" Ward said just as shocked as I was.

"Yes, isn't that right Madison." Rafe turned his head to look at me and I gave him a death stare as I nodded turning back to Ward.

"Yes! yes we just haven't told anyone so your the first person to know!" I said nervously. Ooh Rafe has a lot of explaining to do.

"Well- I uh im in shock. Im happy for you two. Welcome to the family Ms Harper." Ward smiled at me.

"An honor." I said scrunching my nose.

"You must join us for dinner tonight!" He said and my eyes widened.

"Uh dad I don't think she ca-" Ward interrupted.

"Non sense she must join us I insist." He smiled. I stared at Rafe angrily and back at Ward with a fake smile.

"Sure. Ill join." I said and Ward smiled.

"Wonderful. You two go on now. Ill be in my office if you need anything." He said and with that he walked away. Once we heard the door shut I whipped my head to look at Rafe but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me upstairs.

"Don't touch me." I said wiggling my hand out of his grip but he just gripped tighter.

"Stop being difficult." He said and pushed me into his room shutting the door behind him. He sat down on the edge if his bed at rested his head in the palms of his hands.

"Okay Rafe explain." I said crossing my arms standing in-front of him.

"Fuck ok! I told my dad I was dating someone because im stupid-" I cut him off

"You finally noticed." I smirked.

"Shut up!" He snapped and I stepped back putting my hands up in surrender.

"Anyway." He continued "I panicked trying to think of someone to make up and when you walked through the door I just said you were my girlfriend."

"You couldn't have said Lily?" I said angrily.

"I cannot stand her. Yes I dated her and I get jealous but shes so annoying and you. Well I can tolerate you." He said looking up at me.

"Well good for you because im not going to be your fake girlfriend you know how annoying that is?" I said.

"You can and you will." He said.

"Whatever, but there's rules. You cannot fall in love with me and I can't fall in love with you." I said and he quickly responded.

"I would never fall in love with you Madison." He said. It stung a little. I hated Rafe but him saying that hurt a little.

"Ok and you CANNOT absolutely NOT touch me." I said pointing a finger at him. He rolled his eyes.

"Seriously I think if im going to date you I have to touch you. In other areas too." He smirked and I rolled my eyes in disgust.

"Whatever." I said slapping my thigh out of stress. I actually wouldn't mind Rafe touching me. Ew no Madison you hate him, never in a million years.

"You didn't deny it though." He winked.

"Shut up Rafe." I said walking toward his door.

"See you tonight baby and wear a dress." He said with a grin.

"Don't call me that." I said as I slammed his door walking out and going over to Sarahs room. I walked in and of course not to my surprise she wasn't there. Im going to stop coming here.

I decided to leave and just go back to the chateau. I have to fake love? With Rafe cameron? Gross.

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