Chapter thriteen

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Madison Harper
"Rafe what is this." I laughed as his hands were covering my eyes. We walked and walked but I couldn't find myself to figure out where we were.

"Shh, don't worry. You will find out soon." He said as we continued walking. Im guess the woods? That's what it feels like.

"Okay ready?" He said as we came to a stop. I hummed in response.

"Words baby." He said. I rolled my eyes mentally,

"Yes im ready." I huffed and he removed his hands. My eyes widened and I smiled. It was a blanket with my favorite snacks and candies. There was also a stuffed frog. I loved those. I don't even know how he knew all this. I guess from when we would hangout. There was a bottle of champagne and two glasses. Rose petals scattered all over the floor and blanket as fairy lights were above us in the short trees.

"Rafe this is so cute." I said still in shock. "How did you even have the time-" He interrupted.

"Don't ask questions." He smiled cupping my cheeks and forcing me to look at him.

"You deserved this love. I have planned this for a while and im so happy we finally got to do it." He leaned in and placed his lips onto mine. The kiss felt soft and sweet. I never wanted this to end. He slowly pulled away as our foreheads pressed against one another.

"I love you Madison." He said and I felt slight panic. He doesn't love me does he? What if he's lying.

"I- I love you too Rafe." I smiled and his eyebrows furrowed.

"You hesitated. You don't love me?" He said backing away from me. Shit.

"No, no I do Rafe, of course I do! Im sorry i'm just new to all of this." I said with guilt.

"I don't believe you." He said with sadness in his eyes. Soft ass mother fucker. I couldn't help but smile.

"You're so soft you know that? I love you Rafe. You don't have to believe me but its true." I giggled. He looked at me with a bit of anger and came to me. I looked at him with confusion as I felt myself being picked up off the ground.

"Rafe! Put me downn!" I kicked and hit his back as I was on his shoulder. He held my thighs so I wouldn't kick and laughed.

"That's what you get for calling me soft! Apologize and I will put you down." He said and I laughed.

"Okay im sorry. Now will you put me down?!" I said.

"I suppose." He said then letting me down. We sat down on the blanket and began drinking, talking and some laughs here and there. Rafe made me feel like myself. Like I can be myself without worrying about anything else.

"Dance with me." He said getting up and holding his hand out. His action caused me to laugh.

"With what music?" I said still having a smile across my face.

"Who said we needed music?" He shrugged his shoulders. I rolled my eyes sarcastically while grabbing his hand. I got and his arms wrapped around my waist holding me close to him as mine wrapped around his neck. We swayed back and forth as we got lost in each others eyes.

"I will always take care of you. Ill always hold you. Ill always love you. I will always be here for and with you." He said and I gulped.

"Promise." I said.

"Promise." He answered with a smile. He spun me and pulled me back to him as our lips met each others. He made me feel safe. Like I belonged with him.


A few hours passed and we were now in Rafe's room at his house.

"I do not act like that?" I said.

"Yes you do." He said. I don't act mean. Do I? No.

"Shut up no I don't." I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever you say princess." He said and I stayed quiet. So annoying. I was laying on Rafes chest as we watched a movie. A few minutes into the movie and I heard like a twig break outside and some footsteps but I shook it off and pretended like it was nothing. Rafe looked at it too and he looked uneasy.

As we were now into the movie I heard the tree outside his room and it sounded like someone was on it. That made both of us get up.

"Rafe? Did you he-" He cut me off by putting his hand over my mouth. placing his fingers on his lips telling me to be quiet.

"Someone's here." He whispered and my breathing became shaky. We both sat on the bed staring at his bedroom window.

"Be quiet. Hide under my bed." He said and I nodded as a tear fell down my cheek. He cupped my cheeks and wiped my tear.

"Hey it's okay. Don't worry it's okay. Just be quiet." He said placing a kiss on my lips. I got up, rolling under his bed and placed my hand over my mouth to hide my muffled cries.

Then, someone busted through his window. They opened it politely and it looked like a female but I couldn't make out the person.

"Hey Rafey." She said and I immediately recognized the voice. Fucking Lily.

"What do you want?" He said and she made a tsk noise with her mouth.

"To have Madison killed." She said and my eyes widened in fear. Rafe stood quiet in shock.

"What are you talking about?" He said. I can tell he was scared by the tone of his voice.

"Well as you can see, she is very important to you and I want my revenge from her taking you away from me. Since she wants to take something important away from me I will do the same to her. Her life." She said. I can see that smirk on her ugly little face. But kill me? That's too far. Why did she act like this was a normal thing? I shut my eyes as I continued to quietly cry into my hand. Tears falling down my face.

"You're insane Lily." He said as she continued to walk around the room her footsteps getting closer and closer to the bed.

"Im not, but I know she's here. Is she here Rafe?" She said.

"No. She's not fucking here." He said sternly.

"Hm. Are you lying to me Rafey." She said in a manic way.

"No im fucking not!" He said. I can tell his patience is getting low.

"Well consider this a warning. Watch out. I will strike at any time. You just need to be ready to watch your lover die. Slowly. and. painfully." She said with a cocky smirk. This made my breathing uneasy. What the fuck. Then, she was gone. Disappeared.

"Madison. Come out please." He said and I rolled out from under the bed. My cries getting slightly louder as I stood there in shock.

"Hey, hey listen we need to hide. For a while. We cannot go out anywhere till it's clear." He said cupping my cheeks.

"Rafe I don't wanna die." I whispered not even noticing the cracks in my voice.

"You won't. Not if im here. I won't let anything happen to you my love." He said wiping away my tears and placing a kiss on my forehead.

"You need to go and pack as many clothes as you can. Come back here in an hour. I need to take care of a few things." He said and I shook my head in panic.

"Rafe- no what if she kills me! Im not leaving you!" I said as tears poured out of my eyes. I looked a mess.

"Don't worry you will be fine! It's okay. I got you. Trust me. Do you trust me?" He said.

"Yes of course I do." I said with a gulp.

"Then go. Do not be late. Hurry." He said and I nodded. I ran out of his room and ran back to my house. What am I going to tell the pouges. Especially Sarah.

Im going to die.

hey guys! just a little note here. this book is all over the place as you can tell. im trying my best so sorry if this is bad writing im just freestyling and having fun. hope you guys are enjoying this so far. Ill update chapter fourteen as soon as possible! Thank you.

-a <3

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