Chapter twenty-four

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Rafe Cameron
"Okay no but JJ you totally fell." Pope said while laughing. God I dread this so much.

"No I didn't!" He said and everyone laughed. Giovani and I then bursted into the house. Their eyes shooting toward us.

"Get out-" They were about to finish till they saw an unconscious Madison with blood everywhere in my arms.

"Oh my god! Madison." Kiara shouted with tears in her eyes.

"JJ can you call Ricky please!!" I shouted and he nodded. His shaky hands dialing the number and bringing the phone to his ear.

I set her down on the table as she was barely concious.

"She's going to be okay right?!" John b shouted staring into my eyes.

"I don't know!" I said as more tears fell out of my eyes.

"Who's this? And what happened to her!" Kie shouted referring to Giovani.

"This is Giovani her brother." He answered.

"The hell she had a brother?" They questioned.

"Yeah- listen this man shot her because they are against us and listen there's no time for this where is the man!" I said placing my hand onto her cheeks. I stroked her face with my thumbs bending down to speak to her.

"Hey baby. I love you. Ill always love you. I feel like shit not keeping my promise on protecting you. Please stay with me. I can't loose you, your the most important thing I have in my life right now. Maddie please!" I whispered as more tears fell down my face.

"He's here!" JJ shouted as Ricky came through the doors with his med kit.

"Madison, hey how you doin kid?" Ricky said checking her heartbeat.

"Shit." He whispered.

"WHAT!!?" We all shouted.

"She's barely breathing. Ill do what I can but... im sorry. There's a low chance she's gonna make it through." He said looking at us with guilt.

"What do you mean!" Giovani shouted. They argued back and forth as I stood there rubbing my chin as more tears fell from my eyes.

"Ill do what I can alright?!" Ricky shouted. He asked me to rip her dress so he can operate. and I did just that.

Kie and JJ were crying as they held each other along with John b and Pope. I stood next to Giovani who looked very scared. Like he didn't want to lose his sister. I didn't want to lose my girl either. I love her. I can't lose her.

A few minutes pass and Ricky is finally finished. He looked up at all of us in guilt.

"We now wait." He said about to walk away but JJ stopped him.

"For what?" He questioned.

"To see if she wakes up or not." He finished now walking to the front porch.

"Rafe." Giovani said.

"Yeah?" I said.

"If we lose her. Just know that she really loved you. She would non stop talk about you when we would hangout." He said patting my shoulder and walking away. I never left her side. I stayed there holding her hand the entire time.

"She's gonna be okay." Kiara said. I looked up at her and nodded.

I hope she does.

2 more chapters guysss!! I know this book was kinda bad and didn't really show Rafe and Madisons love story but I did try and didn't plan on making this book long.

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