Chapter five

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Madison Harper
When I got to the chateau everyone was in the back and relaxing around the bonfire they created. Talking and laughing having a great time.

"See I would love to join you guys but Sarah invited me to dinner and said I had to go so ill be back soon." I lied. How am I supposed to tell them im "dating" Rafe cameron? They are going to be so mad. Even if its fake.

"Whatever you say cupcake!" JJ shouted and they all laughed.

"Stop calling me that J you know I hate it." I said as my voice got more and more faint as I walked away. I scanned my closet for a dress. I groaned in frustration because I couldn't find anything. My eyes then saw a sage green dress that went mid thigh and had small white flowers on it. I loved it.

I smirked and stripped out of my clothing putting the dress on. It was a silk dress that flowed at the bottom and had some lace going across the neck. It was beautiful. It hugged my curves perfectly. I let my hair down creating lose curls with my curling iron. I applied light makeup and put on my small white cardigan. Since I didn't have any nice shoes I just went with my basic white and black high top converse.

I applied perfume and walked out the room.

"Lookin real spiffy there." JJ said as I walked by him.

"Thank you J." I smiled and he eyed me up and down before nodding and smiling.

"You have fun. If you need saving..." He said but I finished his sentence for him.

"Your just one call away.. yeah yeah okay JJ." I laughed as well as him before getting serious again.

"Hey just uh- be careful and be safe." He said squinting one eye.

"Ill be so safe." I said sarcastically walking toward the door.

"I deserved that." He whispered grabbing the beer and walking back to the others. I giggled making my way to the Cameron mansion. I have some explaining to do and the reactions are not going to be well. As I was admiring nature I got a text. It was Rafe. God.

Rafe Cameron
hurry up. you take so long. like any slower?

His text making me groan in annoyance. I wasn't even late. Hes so dramatic.

relax drama queen im going.

He acts like a child.

I finally arrived, knocking on the door. I stood there for about 30 seconds before a very eager Rafe Cameron opened the door. He was wearing a grey and white striped polo and black jeans. His hair parted down the middle. He looked.. hot.

"Can you stare any longer?" He said and I shook out of my thought giving him an annoyed look.

"You look good. My pretty girl." He smiled. My heart warmed a little at his comment but I cannot think like that.

"You do too. My pretty boy." I mocked his words and he rolled his eyes, letting me inside and placing his hands on the small of my back close to my ass. I shivered at his touch since im not used to it.

We walked in and Sarah gave me an angry look. I noticed she had Topper next to her and he looked confused. Shit. Now I really do have a lot of explaining to do. 

"Madison!" Rose shouted giving me a hug. "You look amazing. Love that dress."

"Thank you Rose." I smiled and she squeezed my shoulders walking away to the table.

"So glad you joined us!" Ward said giving me a small hug and letting me go. I nodded my head in response as we walked to the table. I sat next to Rafe sitting across from Sarah and Topper.

Our dinner was served, Rose and Ward were the only ones eating. Sarah and Topper just sat there awkwardly and Rafe sat there uncomfortably. I was just nervous.

"I don't believe you guys are dating." Sarah said suddenly.

"Sarah!" Ward said.

"No I really dont. If you guys really are dating then kiss. A real kiss." She said crossing her arms. Topper raised his eyebrows staring at us. My eyes widened and I looked at Rafe who looked unbothered. His hand touched my thigh underneath the table and he nodded at me. I hated this so much.

"Fine." Rafe said placing his hands on my cheeks and mine wrapping around his neck as he crashed his lips onto mine. The kiss felt passionate and warm. I found comfort in this and never wanted it to end but sadly he pulled away.

"Whatever." Sarah said. Rafe and I stared at each other for a little before I cleared my throat and looking away.

"Sarah! If you are going to keep acting this way go to your room!" Ward said. She rolled her eyes standing up and walking to her room dragging topper with her.

"Im sorry about that. You two are excused if you'd like." Rose smiled and Ward agreed.

"Lets go." Rafe whispered in my ear and we walked away into his room. This was a total shit show.

"Rafe she hates me!" I said as he slammed the door behind me. He suddenly trapped me against the door not letting me leave. I looked at him nervously as he stared into my eyes licking his lips.

"Rafe?" I whispered.

"What?" He said staring down at me.

"Can you? Let go?" I said and he rolled his eyes leaning off me.

"I need to talk to Sarah. Shes one of my best friends I can't let her be mad at me." I said and he ignored me going onto his phone. Why was he holding me against a door? I walked out his room and into Sarahs.

"Sarah-" I said but she interrupted.

"I don't wanna talk to you." She said never looking at me.

"Sarah please just let me explain." I said and she sighed.

"Fine. Topper out for like 5 minutes." She said and he left. I took his spot sitting infront of Sarah on her bed.

I have a lot of explaining to do.

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