Chapter twenty-five

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Madison Harper
"Rafe stop!" I shouted while having a laugh attack as he was tickling me.

"Uh-uh princess." He said continuing to tickle me. I laughed and laughed and I tried pushing him off me.

I got the idea to tickle him back and when I did this he let go of me and removed my hand from his abdomen. He pulled me onto him as I was straddling him. I guess that didn't work.

"I want our own little princess." I said and he chuckled.

"You want a mini Cameron?" He said and I nodded.

"Yes." I said. I did. I really, really did. Create a little family of our own.

"Soon baby, very soon." He smiled and I smiled back leaning into his face as he crashed his lips onto mine.

"I love you." He said pressing our foreheads together.

"I love you too." I replied while smiling.


"You know she really does love you guys and no matter how many times you guys will be mad at her she will always forgive you. No matter how much you fucked up so I suggest you guys stop being so stubborn and fucking accept what she wants!" Aa faint voice shouted. I saw a bright light above me as I groaned in pain. I looked down to my hip and saw faint blood but a white patch on my soft skin.

"Guys?" I whispered not sure if they can hear me. I fluttered my eyes more open as I saw a bunch of people running toward me.

"Madison!" Kie shouted as I saw a wide smile on her face.

"What happened to me?" I asked, my voice coming out more raspy then normal.

"You almost died! Ate the bullet." JJ said and I laughed.

I turned my head to see a very happy Rafe and Giovani.

"Do not ever! Scare me like that again." Giovani said and I laughed.

"Don't do that again Maddie." Rafe said bringing his lips onto mine and kissing me.

"Yeah yeah whatever." I smiled pulling away. I turned my head to see the pouges looking at me with guilt.

"Guys im sorry-"

"No no it's okay. We overreacted. Honestly we can't tell you what to do but we support you." JJ said and they agreed. I stood up feeling completely fine.

"Woah relax there dude!" Giovani said and I turned to look at him.

"Im fine!" I said and he pushed my head pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back and the rest joined in. A group hug.

"Happy birthday to you." Kie said and my eyes widened.

"Oh my god I totally forgot! What a great gift. Am I right?" I laughed and they all laughed with me.

"Does this mean you will be friends with Rafe now?" I said and they looked at me and Rafe hesitantly.

"Truce?" John b, JJ and Pope said to Rafe. He looked at me and I nodded.

"Truce." He said and I smiled, clapping my hands.

"Yeah okay okay relax." He laughed.

Who knows what the future holds for us. Maybe it will be different. Or maybe it will he our happy ending. The ending everyone wanted for Romeo and Juliet. The beginning of a new chapter for all of us.

are we sobbing? because me too. I have one more chapter but for the most part this is it guys! Thank you for 100 reads I really appreciate it.


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