Chapter seventeen

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Madison Harper
Rafe and I made it look like she just wanted to end her life so we made sure it looked like just that. We both made sure we left no evidence behind like absolutely nothing to where they can trace us. Good thing Rafe and I both wore gloves and we also wore plastic bags around our shoes to not leave footsteps.

We got back in the car making sure the cost was completely clear and drove off. We both breathed heavily but didn't say one word to each other. I just witnessed a fucking murder.

After a ride of silence Rafe and I got to our safe house and ran inside. We ran upstairs into the room and he paced back and forth in the room as I still had tears in my eyes.

"Okay we need to shower and burn these clothes and throw the gun I used in the middle of the ocean." He said and I looked at him but slowly nodded my head. I immediately just took off my clothes not even caring if Rafe was staring or not I needed these off of me. I was now just in my laced black bra and underwear as I turned around to see him staring like intensely staring.

"Rafe not now!" I said snapping my fingers as his eyes met mine with a smirk pasted across his lips. I grabbed some black joggers and a blue cropped shirt and some undergarments.

"Can I shower with you?" He said standing right behind me when I stood up. I giggled very lightly and turned to look at him. I shook my head biting my lip.

"No Rafe. Behave." I said walking away from him and going into the bathroom connected to the room. I started the warm shower as I took off the remaining clothing I had on. I let the warm water run down my skin as my mind just went straight to earlier. I feel guilty but I don't. Her words cut me deep. I felt like I just betrayed her. I feel like shit.

After I finished up my shower I put on my clothing as I brushed my hair and teeth, walking out the bathroom. I saw Rafe already lying on the bed with his hair damp and under the covers. Why does he always match with me? Did he like plan this? He was wearing a light blue top as well with black joggers. The hell.

I got next to him in bed and I reached to turn off the lamp as he wrapped his arm around my waist and placed kisses down my neck causing me to giggle.

"Stop Rafe." I continued to giggle as he placed one last kiss and chuckled.

"Look we can't talk about what happened today ever again. You cannot tell anyone and I don't care if they are you're best friends madison. They can't know. We will go back home and act like nothing happened and remain to our normal lives okay?" He said and I hesitated. Just act normal? Like he didn't just kill someone? I gulped before nodding my head in understanding.

"Goodnight baby. We will leave in the morning." He said grabbing my chin to turn my head toward him. He placed a kiss on my lips that lasted a good minute and then pulled away.

"Goodnight." I said turning back over and falling into deep slumber.

THIS CHAPTER IS SO SHORT OML. im sorry guys loll I just had to write sm more and I already got 600 words I didn't want to fit all of it in one chapter. but damn they are some phsycos am I right? What do you think?

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