Chapter twenty-three

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Madison Harper
"Are you serious?" I whisper-shouted.

"It's a solid plan!" He said putting his hands up in surrender.

"God. If we die its all on you Gio." I said and he nodded.

"I will go out there. Rafe you back me up as Madison goes and gets the car and brings it out back. Then we will make a run for it and speed off, Got it? Do not do anything I didn't say Madison." He said pointing a finger at me, repeating his plan for the millionth time. He handed me the keys and looked at me hesitantly. I turned my head to Rafe.

"Promise me, you won't die." I said putting my pinkie out.

"Seriously Madison?" Giovani said from behind me. I ignored him.

"Promise." Rafe said intertwining his pinkie with mine as I placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"I love you guys." I said.

"Love you too." They both said.

"3..." He gulped. "2....." Rafe breathed heavily as I shut my eyes briefly. "1!" He said and I opened my eyes. We got out of cover immediately hearing gunshots.

"Woah someone's grumpy." Giovani yelled dodging the bullet. My god, he really does crack jokes at the worst times.

"Not the face man." Rafe said. I laughed making a run to the mercedes. I made it successfully and took a couple minutes to breathe. I started the car making my way to the side of the house where I was told to go.

"Holy shit!" I heard Giovani shout faintly, ducking his head as they both ran to the car.

"Dude, you totally dodged that shit." Rafe laughed and so did Giovani as they got in the car. I looked outside my window to see 2 men on the ground and Grayson yelling at them. I felt weird. Something is off.

"We did it! We got away!" Rafe cheered and so did Giovani. I looked down to my hip bone to see blood shooting out of it. I touched it bringing my hand back to my eyes.

"Im shot." I whispered and their eyes widened.

"No no no no. Madison please." Rafe said as his voice was cracking.

"Shit!" Giovani said clasping his hair.

"Okay uhm. Grab her bring her back here. Let's go to the hospital. Giovani said as Rafe grabbed me and put me in the back seat with him. I cried out in pain and Rafe stroked my sweaty hair. He laid me down so my head was in his lap as I cried in pain.

"No, there's people she should see before that. Go straight then ill tell you when to make a right." He said hesitantly. Giovani nodded and pressed on the gas pedal very aggressively causing the car to jolt forward. I felt myself begin to fall unconscious but tried to sty awake as best as I could.

"Hey hey it's okay your alright here." Rafe said grabbing a rag and applying pressure onto my wound. I cried out in pain. Rafe had tears in his eyes as he stroked the side of my face.

"It's okay baby, please stay with me." He cried leaning down and placing a kiss onto my lips. My breathing became slower as my eyes were closing.

"Hello?" A women said on the speaker of the car. I cant make out the voice though.

"Mom! Madison has been shot!" Giovani hyperventilated.

"Woah woah what!" My father took over the phone.

"She's bleeding a lot and- and I don't know what's going to happen to her." Giovani said as Rafe shouted to take a right. He listened and the car moved sideways.

"Oh my god ill make sure that fucker pays." My father said in anger.

"Is she okay?" My mother cried and Giovani looked back at me.

"Uhh- not so sure." He said with tears in his eyes.

"Stop here!" Rafe said and the car came to a sudden stop.

"Ill update you. She's going to be okay. I gotta go." He whispered as tears spilled from his eyes as the call ended. Rafe got out of the car and carried me out bridal style.

"Where are we again?" My brother said getting out the drivers side as they walked toward the busted up house.

"The chateau. Her best friend has a cousin who's a doctor he will do this for free trust me she's going to be okay." Rafe cried and Giovani nodded.

They walked up the steps of the chateau and that was the last thing I remember before my vision went black. Completely unconscious.

omgggg Madison!! Anyway guys this book is coming to an end very soon!!! I hope Madison survives guyss.

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