Chapter twenty-one

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Madison Harper
We arrived to the ball. It was quite big and honestly would've never expected something like this in obx. Of course it was on figure 8 where all the rich kooks were.

We went through security and parked the black Mercedes Benz and got out of it. This car is fucking beautiful.

"Listen Madison you need to be by me all the time because I can't risk anything happening to you. Just stay quiet and let me do all the talking." He said and I rolled my eyes before nodding.

We walked in the ballroom and there were multiple people dressed in formal clothing. I guess that was the theme. Not my style though.

We walked through the crowd of people as we headed toward the bar. He drinks isn't he younger than me?

"Before you ask, im older than you." He said and I raised my brows. Well alright.

We sat down at the bar and ordered a drink. I looked around me admiring all the people around us, laughing and dancing. While some looked scary.

"Giovani." A man said causing both of us to turn around.

"Louis." He said. I can see the tension. It's not great. "How you been man?" Giovani said as they greeted each other. I guess they were good.

"Good, good listen. We gotta talk." Louis said and Giovani looked at me. I looked back at him and then the man in-front of us. The man turned to me and had wide eyes.

"Madison?" He said with a wide smile. I scrunched my brows together.

"Good to finally meet you! Ive heard many things about you." Louis said and I just went along with it even though I have no clue who this man is.

"Yeah." I laughed nervously.

"Anyway." He said clearing his throat turning more serious. "You guys shouldn't be here it's dangerous, Grayson is here." He said and I got taken aback. My body completely freezing as I felt my breathing become unsteady. Giovani just looked around before looking at me.

"Just letting you guys know, watch out." He said giving us one more look before walking away.

"We need to go." Giovani said clenching his jaw. I nodded as we both got up from the bar and walked toward the entrance very quickly.

"Giovani. Madison." A voice called from behind us.

"Fuck." My brother said as we both turned around. A man wearing a black suit. He had silver hair that was slicked back and a glass of whiskey in his hand. He had slight wrinkles but not a lot. He looked like he was maybe in his 50's? I don't know.

"Grayson." Giovani said coldly. Grayson???! Oh god no please no.

"Let's have a little chat outside." He smirked. Giovani tensed up from beside me and I looked at him with fear.

"Sorry but we have to get going-"

"It wasn't a question." Grayson interrupted walking past us and leading the way outside.

"Remember what I told you?" My brother whispered from beside me as we slowly walked behind the man.

"Shoot. Yes I remember." I whispered.

Earlier that day
"If Grayson randomly shows up what do we do?" I asked as Giovani handed me a gun to strap around my thigh. He showed me how to use it before we started getting ready. It was pretty easy.

"We shoot. We attack. Who cares who's watching. We do this shit for a living." He said. I don't. They do. I am not for this life.

Back to present
"I see you brought me what I wanted." Grayson said as we stood outside. In a more private area.

"Grayson don't." My brother said.

"I told you I wanted her dead. She killed my daughter. So did that boy Rafe Cameron. Ill get to him eventually." He chuckled.

"Please don't hurt him!" I said as tears welled my eyes.

"Oh sweetheart don't worry. Im not going to hurt him, you are." He said and my eyes widened.

"What are you talking about?" Giovani said from beside me.

"Well it's quite simple actually. Madison will have to kill him with her own hands and see her lover die, or, I will kill her and make Rafe watch. Simple." He smirked and my mouth made the shape of an 'O' as tears fell down my face.

"Your sick." I said.

"Awh." He smiled.

"She can't do that." Giovani said as his body tensed.

"And why not?" Grayson said placing his hands in the pockets of his suit.

"Because, you will be dead first." Giovani said and with that he pulled out his gun, cocking it and pointing it toward Graysons chest. I gasped as more tears fell out of my eyes. I can't witness another murder.

"Easy playboy." Grayson chuckled putting his hands in the air as surrender.

"Madison start the car." Giovani said never leaving Graysons eyes. I nodded, my hands shaking but managing to grab the keys from his pocket. I grabbed them and began to speed walk to the car. Then, I heard the sound of a gun going off. I jumped at the noise running faster. Fuck this. I took of my heels now being able to run easier.

I got to the car opening it quickly and throwing my heels in the back seat. I got in the drivers side as I started the car. I sat there impatiently as I saw Giovani get in the car. He was grunting and groaning as if he were in pain. I looked at him and at his stomach. Shit. He got shot.

"Oh my god!" I panicked.

"Im fine! Drive!" He said holding onto his stomach and I did exactly that. I drove off. Speeding through the streets, swerving every car I almost hit.

"Jesus! Even I drive better than you!" He said.

"Shut up!" I said and he chuckled. How can someone be laughing when they just got shot.

Seems like this happens a lot.

i hate this book 😭

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