Chapter eleven

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Madison Harper
They pulled me through the crowd. My chest rose up and down as my breathing became unsteady. I tried focusing on my breathing but it wasn't working.

"Okay talk." Pope said as they let me go. I still couldn't focus right.

"I- I uhm I can't- can't breathe." I said placing a hand on my chest as I hyperventilated.

"Yo you good?" John b said.

"Panic attack." JJ said walking over to me.

"Hey hey it's alright focus on your breathing. It's okay, it's okay." He said rubbing my back in circles. I then focused on my breathing and started to calm down.

"Good good." He said with a smile. I was now breathing normally as I stared at the angry teens in front of me.

"Im sorry guys. She was being a bitch she said something about my parents and-" Kie interrupted me.

"Look we get it but we can't have you getting in fights Madison." She said and I nodded.

"Were talking about this?!" Pope said showing the instagram story of Rafe and I on his phone.

Shit. I totally forgot they can see it.

"I can explain guys let me explain." I gulped. They all nodded and I continued to explain.

"I still just don't think Rafe is good for you!" John b said putting his hands in the air.

"It's all fake. It's all an act. I don't want to get into detail but it's not real!" I said and they all looked at each other suspiciously.

"Okay? I guess but that didn't look fake." John b said. I shut my eyes trying to focus.

"It is, okay!" I snapped. They all flinched and the air became silent. Awkward silence. I don't wanna deal with this right now.

"Look im sorry for lying to you guys okay? I know it was wrong and I should've told you but I didn't want to because of the reactions I would get. I love you guys and im sorry. I just wanna go home." I said and they frowned at each other before clapping.

"What a speech, you know I think you could've worded that a little better." John b said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes flipping them off.

"Okay but you did beat her ass gotta give you that one." JJ said wrapping his arm around my neck as we got inside the mini van. I laid my head in JJ's lap as I drifted off to sleep. I felt JJ playing with my hair which comforted me more. I heard voices but I was too in my sleep to understand.

We finally got to my house and the mini van came to a sudden stop causing me to fall off my seat.

"Oowh." I groaned squeezing my eyes shut.

"Shit sorry!" John b said. The rest laughed at me as I got up.

"Fuck off guys. Ill see you tomorrow." I rolled my eyes sarcastically as I stepped out of the mini van. They drove off and I grabbed my key to unlock my door. I noticed it was already opened. The fuck? Did I leave it unlocked?

I furrowed my brows in confusion as I nervously walked into my house. I didn't have a self defense weapon so hopefully I don't get killed.

I walked down the hall and into my room. I saw a figure and I jumped at the presence. I couldn't see the face of the person but I assumed I was going to die.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey baby." The man said. It was Rafe. What the hell was he doing here.

"Rafe? What the fuck are you doing here?" I said slightly annoyed. I was tired I wanted to sleep.

"I needed to tell you about earlier. I can't keep it in anymore." He said walking over to me. I gave him a confused look but gestured him to continue.

"I love you Madison and I know you feel that too. I want you to be mine. Mine to touch, mine to kiss, mine to hold, just be mine." He said causing me to freeze in place.

Uhh okay this is weird.

"Stop Rafe you don't mean it." I said trying to avoid his confession. I didn't want to admit my feelings for him.

"I do. I mean every fucking word Madison. I love you. Ive been in love with you. I care for you so much and I hate that I feel this way. I have never felt this way about anyone. Ever." He said reaching his hand out to cup my cheek. I melted into his touch staring into his ocean blue eyes. God.

"Why do you do this to me Rafe." I rolled my eyes.

"Do wha-" I cut him off by grabbing his shirt with my fist and pulling him into me. Our lips crashed together as they moved in sync. This gave me flashback's on when we kissed at dinner but this time, it was more passionate and more real.

Rafe Cameron. Never knew I would fall in love with someone like him. Life throws you lots of surprises.

"I love you too Rafe." I said pulling away from our kiss and pressing our foreheads together. He smiled at my response kissing me once more.

I never wanted to admit my feelings for Rafe. He was like a drug. I couldn't resist. My drug.

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