Chapter eight

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Madison Harper
We finished up at the country club and drove back. The whole time I was thinking about that encounter with Lily. Her parents are rich as fuck and I used her be her best friend in high school. She backstabbed me and started talking a lot of shit about me and even exposed my family trauma to people. Which is exactly why I moved schools.

"You okay?" Rafe asked. I looked at him and nodded. I saw him smirk and suddenly I felt something on my thigh. My eyebrows raised and I stared at my leg. It was Rafes hand. I didn't move it away.

Madison move it away. Now.

I couldn't bring myself to take it off. He moved it up higher and higher till it was dangerously close to my area. I felt his hand slowly move to the hem of my jeans as he moved his fingers slowly across. I felt my breath hitch. I wanted his touch, but not now especially with Rose and Ward in the car.

I grabbed his hand and we both looked at each other. I shook my head 'no' and he groaned like a toddler. I giggled at his reaction and he was still mad. We made it to the Cameron residence and Ward turned around to face us. I furrowed my brows in confusion as he stared at Rafe.

"Rose and I are going to the Bahamas tomorrow morning for a work trip. There must be no one over and the house must stay clean. You got that?" Ward said pointing at Rafe. He smirked and nodded. I felt my body get a wave of sadness and memories. My parents always said they were going on a work trip until one day they actually left. I was alone.

"Great." Ward said, pulling me out of my thoughts and we all got out the car. As I was walking Rafe stopped me pulling me back. I looked at him confused and annoyed.

"What do you say Madison? Kook party?" He grinned. I thought about it for a second. We would be betraying Wards trust, but a little party can't hurt anyone.

"Sure why not." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Good. Be here by 8 pm tomorrow. That's when it starts." He said beginning to walk away.

"Wait- don't you want me here earlier though?" I said. Shit why did I say that.

"Why would I want you here earlier?" He asked furrowing his brows.

"Never mind. See you tomorrow." I said with a smile and he nodded going back into his house and with that, he was gone.


I feel like I haven't talked to the pouges in a while and ive been so distant with them. I just have this shit with Rafe its like I have no time for anything anymore.

"Hey there pretty lady." JJ said as I walked out of the spare bedroom I stayed in.

"Hey J." I smiled. He walked over to me stuffing a bagel in my mouth. I gave him an annoyed look taking a bite out of it and handing it back to him.

"Wanna surf today?" He asked taking a bite from the bagel he stuffed in my mouth.

"Sure." I said. I never thought it was weird for me and JJ to have the relationship we have. He will always be my best friend.

"Well get ready, were going like right now. John b, Kie and Pope are on their way. They went to some friggin surf shop i don't know." He said putting his hands up. I frowned shrugging my shoulders hurrying back to the room I had. I picked up a white bikini and put blue denim shorts over it. I brushed out my hair and placed my black sunglasses on my head. I grabbed my sage green toat and walked out.

"You look great." JJ said and I smiled. We heard a honk meaning they were here. JJ and I ran outside hopping into the mini van.

"Love that swim suit Kie." I said in a fancy tone.

"Why thank you Ms Harper." She said mocking my tone. We all had this thing where we spoke fancy or in British to each other, it was really stupid but we have been doing it since we were kids.

5 songs later and we finally arrived to the beach. We would always hangout here. I jumped on JJs back as we ran to the water. I laughed until my stomach hurt. These people were my home. They always found a way to make me happy even when I wasn't in the mood.

We got in the water with our boards and began our surfing. I was sitting on my board till I see John b coming full force at me. My eyes widened as I quickly moved out of the way.

"John b you dumb ass." I said and he laughed.

"You were in my way." He shrugged his shoulders. I rolled my eyes as the rest laughed. JJ made his way over to me as I was still in shock from what happened. I then felt someone lift me up from my board. My eyes widened as I looked behind me to see JJ.

"J let me down!" I said.

"Im gonna throw you in." He smirked and I began kicking my legs.

"No JJ! Don't." I giggled. He then proceeded to throw me into the water. My head going underneath the water and floating back up. I rubbed my eyes going back onto my board. I splashed water in JJ's face and laughed as he flinched.

"Your so annoying." He said smiling up at me.

"And your not?" I said tilting my head.

This is when I realized I will never find any other friendship like this one.

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