Chapter six

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Madison Harper
"So your fake dating my brother, because he told Ward you guys were dating?" She said furrowing her brows. I nodded and she chuckled.

"Wow! Im so happy your not actually dating him. Hes annoying and just no.. but even if you were Ill make sure to punch my brother in the face if he ever hurts you." She said and I laughed.

"Well see you tomorrow? Don't be with Topper I swear-" I said walking toward the door.

"I wont I promise." She interrupted while smiling. I left the room allowing Topper back in as I walked back inside of Rafes. He was sitting on his desk chair manspreading as his phone was in his hand.

"Rafe." I said walking over to him. He didn't reply.

"Rafe!" I said now standing in-front of him. I know he knows im in here. His eyes never leaving the screen as I tried grabbing his attention.

I got an idea to grab his attention. I really hate this but he is not answering me. I squinted my eyes shut mentally cursing at myself. I touched his thigh and I noticed him tense under my touch. It was working. I then moved myself on top of him, straddling his waist.

"Rafe you gonna answer me now?" I said and he looked down at our position then back at my eyes. I grabbed his jaw forcing him to look at me.

"Don't start something you can't finish Harper." He whispered placing his hands on my hips. I can't do this. He's my enemy we hate each other.

"Im supposed to hate you." I whispered looking at him. His eyes softened as he stared at me.

"Let me make you love me then Madison." He said and my eyes widened. Was he high? Or drunk? What was he saying right now.

I quickly pushed myself off him breathing heavily. He smirked standing up and towering over me.

"Suit yourself. Here at 10:30 am tomorrow wear something cute. Not that you don't look good in anything-" I interrupted. I can't stand him talk like this.

"Stop Rafe." I said closing my eyes for a second.

"Whatever you say pretty girl. Don't be late, like you were today." He said opening the door and pushing me out.

"I wasn't even lat-" I was interrupted by the door slamming in my face. Great.

What the hell just happened.


I walked into the chateau and JJ was passed out on the couch. Im sure everyone else was at home and John b was in his room. I decided i didn't want to sleep alone tonight so I crawled up next to JJ who was deep in his sleep. Ill sleep in this dress fuck it. I slipped off my shoes tapping JJ on his shoulder.

"Hey J?" I whispered biting my lip.

"Yeah?" He whispered back softly moving around.

"Can I sleep with you?" I asked and he hummed in response. I got under the blanket and looked at JJ. He had his eyes slightly opened with a smile.

"How was that dinner? They make food out of gold?" He asked making me chuckle.

"No but they did make spaghetti which was very good." I lied. I didn't even get to eat it.

"Hm. Well I prefer my pb&j sandwiches." He said and I laughed.

"Goodnight Mads." He said still staring into my dark eyes.

"Goodnight JJ." I said turning around, closing my eyes drifting off to sleep.

What a night.

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