Forgotten memories

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They sat chatting in the fresh, warm air. The wind was still, and everything felt so magical, like they were in a fairy tale. Sitting there, just the two of them on a picnic blanket, eating and laughing. Like this moment would never end.

Jimmy heard a loud ringing and the image faded away. He slowly opened his eyes to his alarm going off. Jimmy reached over to silence it and collapsed back onto his bed, resting his eyes. Every night, the same dream, always the same man with cyan hair and a blurred face, he couldn't see who it was. The blurred face seemed familiar, yet unfamiliar at the same time.

Scott walked into the meeting room and saw everyone sitting and chatting at the long table. It had only been a few days since the end of 3rd life, so the Ocean Queen had called a meeting for all of the Empires to meet. Scott scanned the room and saw many unfamiliar faces, amongst them he recognized Joel from 3rd life. His eyes landed on another familiar face. Jimmy was sat talking to Lizzie to the far side of the table. He smiled, ready to walk over to him, then remembered, after 3rd life, all of the members had a curse placed on them to make them forget their past life and for some reason, this curse didn't affect the elf and he was determined to find out why. Scott diverted his path and instead walked over to sit next to a girl with long, orangy-coloured hair.

After a couple minutes, Lizzie got up and introduced herself, then explained why she had called the meeting and sat back down again, letting everyone go around saying their name and empire.

A brown haired girl stood from her seat, ready to introduce herself. "I'm Pearl from the oak forest farmlands of Gilded Helianthia, or you may know it as the Smallholding." After she was done, she sat back down again.

It was then Scott's turn. He stood and introduced himself as well. "I'm Scott, ruler of Rivendell." then he sat back down.

Next was the girl with orangy-coloured hair. She stood as well. "Hello everyone, I'm Gem and my empire is the Crystal Cliffs."

"I'm Shrub and I'm from the Undergrove."

"Hey bitches! As you should all know, I'm Joey from the lost empire."

"I'm Katherine from the Overgrown."

"Sausage, and I'm from the Mythlands."

It was then Joel's turn. "Joel, ruler of Mezelea."

And last but not least, "I'm Jimmy from the Cod empire." Scott smiled at him, but Jimmy was focused on what Lizzie was saying and not looking in his direction.

Scott. The name sounded oddly familiar to Jimmy, but he wasn't sure why. The Cod Father snuck a look in the elf's direction, but quickly turned back to Lizzie when Scott turned his head to look at him. Jimmy's mind went back to the cyan haired man in his dream, trying to see their face, but the more he thought about him, the more blurred the face became. Jimmy wanted to know who he was and why he kept seeing him in all of his dreams.

The meeting was over and everyone was scattered around the room chatting to one another, some sitting, some standing. Jimmy didn't feel like talking to anyone, so he just stayed in his seat, hoping no one would come over and interrupt his thoughts.

"Hey." Well, that was bound to happen sooner or later. Jimmy turned around to see who it was, but to his surprise, standing there was none other than the ruler of Rivendell.

"Oh, h-hi." Jimmy gave a small smile. He wasn't sure why he was so nervous; he never stutters when he's talking. Maybe Jimmy was just caught off guard.

"So, Jimmy right?" He spoke in a cute Scottish accent.

"Y-Yeah, and you're Scott?"

He smiled. "Yes, that's me."

"So...uh, any reason you came over here to talk to me out of everyone in this room?" Jimmy soon realised how rude that must sound, so he quickly added, "not to sound rude or anything."

"Oh, seemed lonely..." Scott didn't seem certain of his response.

Jimmy didn't really want to talk to anyone but Scott seemed nice and Jimmy felt like he could trust him even though they just met. Scott's expression changed to sadness as he realized Jimmy wasn't answering. "S-Sorry, I'll go..."

But before he could leave, Jimmy called him back. "Wait!" He turned around again. "Why don't you sit?" Jimmy gestured to the seat next to him and Scott's face immediately brightened.

"Thanks." He sat down and they started talking. Jimmy wasn't sure why Scott was so excited to sit with him, no one's ever really wanted to be near him, well except Lizzie, but that's because she's his sister, so she has to deal with him. The Empire ruler was used to being alone but having someone knew to talk to was definitely nice.

"So Jimmy, do you have any siblings?" Scott already know the answer to that, Lizzie, but he wanted to start new, ask him all the questions he already knew the answers to in case something happened and he accidentally said something he shouldn't know.

"Yes actually, Lizzie."

Time for Scott to put on his best acting skills. "Wow! Really?" Nailed it.

"Yes, have you got any siblings?"

Scott paused for a second, not knowing whether to tell him yet, but he decided it was for the best that he knew. "Yes...a brother actually...his names Xornoth. I also used to have a sister too, but she went missing when I was four." Scott frowned, hearing his siblings names for the first time since they had disappeared. Jimmy must have realised something was wrong.

"Are you ok Scott?"

The elf looked up and gave a small smile. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine. It's brother, he...disappeared a couple years ago." Scott was sad bringing up both his sibling again, but thinking about his brother was more painful as it only happened a couple of years ago. He still missed his sister, but to be honest, he doesn't remember much about her, only that they were close and that her favourite colour was purple. He doesn't even remember her name. There are a couple memorise of them playing and annoying Xornoth, but he only remembered them vaguely.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Jimmy smiled apologetically.

"It's ok." Scott smiled to show him that he was ok, then they continued talking.

After the meeting was over Lizzie thanked everyone for coming and they all got up to leave. Before Scott left though, he wanted to see Jimmy. The elf walked over to where Jimmy was, heading out the door. "Hey Jimmy!"

He stopped and turned around. "Hey!" They kept walking out the door as they talked, then when they got outside they walked over to a quiet corner so they could finish their conversation before they went.

"I had fun today, it was nice to meet you Jimmy." Scott had to pretend like today was the first time they had met because he still apparently couldn't remember his husband, and you're probably wondering why he doesn't just tell him, well, Scott's worried Jimmy will think he's lying and not want to be his friend anymore, I mean, how often do your memories get taken off you.

"Yeah, I had fun as well, nice to meet you too." They waved goodbye and started heading back to their Empires after saying a quick bye to everyone else.

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