The plan

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I am so sorry for the wait on this chapter, I'll try to get the next one out quicker.



The heat from the fire slowly melted the ice caging Xornoth. No one had realized until Lauren was pulled closer to the villain, an arm held up to her neck threateningly. They were all in shock, even Lizzie, surprisingly, was worried. Scott was the first to process what was happening, fear rising. "Lauren!" He ran over to the bars, feeling helpless. Jimmy eventually snapped out of his shock and joined him, watching in fear at the scene unfolding. "Let her go!"

"Like I said brother, I need both of you, so the answer is no." He gave a villainous smirk.

"Bo-Both of u-us..." Scott mumbled quietly, like he was piecing together a puzzle. It was slowly making sense, Xornoth had said they were both needed, but why? It can't just be because we are siblings, there has to be another reason, but what? Could it have anything to do with finding out about their powers? "Wait! You needed both of us because you want our powers as well! That's it, isn't it? You don't just want to control corruption and darkness, you want to control the whole server, don't you? That's why you needed us!" He then whispered, "but why take Jimmy and Lizzie...?" He looked down, thinking for a second, then turned his head back up. "You needed hostages for us to do as you say, didn't you? We must have to choose to give our powers away, so if you had Jimmy, I would want to help to set him free. But why take Lizzie...?" He trailed off, confused once again.

"You're smarter than you look, I'll give you that. So Scott, why do I need Lizzie?" He gave another evil grin and tightened his grip on Lauren, almost chocking her.

"Let Lauren go!"

Xornoth just ignored him and began talking again. "Come on Scott, you can do it, why do I need Lizzie?"

Scott examined the scene before him, closely watching Xornoth's arm wrapped tightly around his sister's neck. He then turned his attention back to look at his brother, soon realizing he can't hurt Lauren if he needed her. Scott turned his head, taking in every detail of the room, Jimmy standing next to him, scared for his life, Lizzie to the far corner, watching in horror, Lauren in Xornoth's arms, eyes squeezed shut. How did Lizzie fit into all of this? Scott suddenly whipped his head back to his siblings, realizing what his brother's plan was.

"Your intent was never to capture Lizzie, was it? You had to take her to prevent her from getting help, she's the only other person who knows what's happening. Jimmy's here to make me do as you say... And Lauren... Wait! You knew that Lauren wouldn't do anything if you captured any one of them, so your plan was relying on me convincing her to do it, so we could save Jimmy!"

Xornoth seemed shocked, like he wasn't expecting what Scott had said. After a second, his expression changed to mischief once again, his grip tightening around his sister's neck. Lauren's eyes shot open, fear in her eyes. "Sc-Sco-ott" She struggled to breathe out the words.

Scott's eyes widened in shock. "Let go of her!" He felt a cool shiver run through his hand as ice flew towards Xornoth, catching him off guard, his arm loosening. Lauren took that chance to slip out of his grip and run to the bars where Scott, Jimmy and Lizzie were waiting. The ice surrounded Xornoth and grew up to spikes all around him, preventing any way of escaping. "Try melting the bars!"

Lauren looked uneasy. She was worried about using any powers she supposedly had, still not able to fully wrap her head around any of it.

"Lauren, you can do it. You just need to believe in yourself." Scott tried his best to comfort her.

"But what if I-"

"Just believe in yourself."

Still a bit unsure, Lauren decided it was their best shot. "Ok... Stand back." Lizzie walked back to the far corner she stood at earlier, feeling safe with the distance between her and the bars. Scott intertwined his hand in Jimmy's, they smiled at each other and started walking backwards, away from the bars as well.

"How pathetic. You will never be able to control this power!" Everyone turned to face Xornoth. "Oh come on, don't tell me you forgot I was here again." Admittedly, they had forgotten about the villain, lost in the moment of trying to free themselves. Xornoth's eyes widened. "How did you forget there was an evil villain in the same room as you who could easily take you down?"

"Easily take us down? You stuck in an ice cage!" Lizzie shot back.

"Doesn't mean I can't use my power." An evil smirk appeared on his face.

"Wait! What do you-" Scott was cut off by a loud rumble, then somewhat out of know where a red tentacle shot up from the ground, curving over, just stopping an inch from Lauren.

"You were saying? Now, Scott. I need you to remove this ice."

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