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I hope you are all enjoying the story so far. Sorry I haven't posted a chapter for a while, I have a few other stories on the go at the same time, so I'm trying to keep on top of all of them. 

With this chapter, I have decided to try a new writing style. If any of you read some of my other stories, you might know about this already as I have tried this with one of my other stories already and I want to try it with all of them, so please let me know if you like this better or how I did the other chapters. 

If enough people like this style better, then I will continue it and I might also think about re-writing the previous chapters in the same style, so if you see that I have updated/re-posted old chapters, then you don't have to read them again, but you can if you want to.



"JIMMY! LIZZIE!" Scott turned back to look at his evil brother. "What have you done to them?!" Scott had finally convinced himself that Jimmy wouldn't be in danger, that he had done the right thing, but here they were, lying unconscious in the cell next to him.

"Relax." Xornoth rolled his eyes. "They'll wake up soon enough..." Then he whispered, "unfortunately for me..."

A groan came from the cell next to Scott's, and he immediately ran over to the bars between them. Lizzie was slowly opening her eyes, groaning in pain. "Lizzie!"

She turned to face Scott and attempted a slight smile. "S-Scott...you're ok..."

"Yes, but you guys aren't."

Lizzie turned her head to see what the elf was pointing at, Jimmy was still lying lifeless on the floor. "Jimmy!" She sprung into action as she realized her brother wasn't moving. "Please! Wake up!" She started ferociously shaking him, hoping he would wake up.

Scott couldn't believe this was happening, Jimmy was still, not even flinching. Tears ran from Scott's eyes, leaving his face a wet mess as he turned to his brother and his so called 'friend.' "What have you done!" Scott ran over to the bars and banged on them as hard as he could. "You had me, why did you still go after Jimmy! He hasn't done anything to you!" The more Scott pushed against the bars, the stronger he started to feel. It wasn't a physical strength though, more like power and rage flowing through his veins. "LET THEM GO!" He yelled with a final breathe, then his whole body went numb, and he collapsed to the ground.

"What did you do to him!" Lizzie ran over to the bars that were blocking her way to Scott.

"Oh, I did nothing. That was all him." He had a smirk plastered on his face.

Lizzie turned to look at him in rage and confusion. "Why would he make himself collapse?!"

"You guys really don't know?"

"Know what?!" At this point, he was just getting on Lizzie's nerves. What did he mean Scott did this? What didn't they know?

He chuckled. "I'll leave that to you to figure out. Good luck!" He then turned and walked up the stairs and disappeared behind the door, an evil grin on his face.

"Joey, please!" Lizzie begged, hoping he still had some humanity left in him.

He looked conflicted for a second, then his expression changed back to conniving. "I've chosen the winning side, have fun loosing." Joey left without another word, leaving Lizzie to her thoughts. Winning side? What did he mean by winning side? Since when were there sides?

There was a strange noises coming from the corner of the cell. Lizzie smiled and ran over to Jimmy's side.


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