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Lauren nodded towards Scott, indicating that it was time. They both knew what they had to do, but neither of them knew the consequences of the outcome. It was a little worrying that they had no idea what would happen, or even if the plan would work, but they had to at least try.

Per Xornoth's request, they held their hands on the pedestal in front of them. They could feel the magic draining from them, feeling weaker without the power surging through them. They didn't have much time before it was all gone so they had to act now.

They quickly raised their hands up, pointing them directly towards Xornoth who didn't noticed because of his closed eyes. They used all of the power they could master up that hadn't already been stripped away and focused it on their brother.

As soon as the ice and fire magic hit Xornoth his eyes snapped open, realizing something was wrong. "What are you doing!" He screamed, as if he expected them to just hand over their powers without a fight.

They ignored him, continuing to strengthen the beams shooting towards Xornoth. Soon, both of their magic seemed to connect, the light almost blinding. It seemed to become brighter, they gave each other a worrying look before everything went black.

The magic that once filled the room was gone, the bright light vanished, all that was left were to siblings sprawled out unconscious across the hard ground, and a crystal lying where their brother once stood.


Jimmy sat on his couch, his legs brought up to his chest, a tear slowly fell down his face. "It's been hours. What if something went wrong?" His worrying words wavered as he spoke, too scared to even let the thought sink in.

Lizzie walked in from the kitchen, carrying a hot drink for her brother. She handed it to him and went to sit on the other side of the couch. "I'm sure they'll be fine. They know what they're doing, just relax a little, they'll be back soon."

She was more trying to convince herself that they'll be ok, she was starting to get a bit worried at how long they had been gone, but she had to stay strong for her brother. She just hoped they would be back soon.


Scott's eyes slowly opened to the dark room as he sat up and looked around. His back was a little sore from the impact of falling, but other than that, he felt normal. Off to the far side of the room, he could see a figure lying on the ground, facing the other direction.

His eyes immediately widened when he realized who it was. He jumped up from the ground, ignoring the complaints from his sore back, and ran over to her side, shaking her lightly. "Lauren... Lauren!"

Her hand twitched slightly before her eyes began opening, she let out a string of inaudible words. "Wh-Wha-" She attempted to push herself up from the ground, but her hands gave way and she felt the cold floor against her face once again.

Scott noticed her attempts and immediately began worrying. "Does anything hurt?" He spoke in a rushed voice, hoping the answer would be a 'no.'

She turned to her brother, a small smile on her face. "No, I just feel exhausted." Scott suddenly scanned the room, panic written all over his face. "Scott?" Lauren's voice was weak, just audible to her brother.

He turned back to face her, his eyes wide. "Where's Xornoth?"

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