Family reunion...or is it?

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Jimmy's POV

It was a voice I didn't recognize. I saw Scott stop in front of me and Lauren was stood at the door with worry plastered on her face. I just stood in confusion.


"Long time no see, brother..." I started putting two and two together. Xornoth. Scott's brother who disappeared a couple years ago. Now I was more confused. I thought we would have to go looking for him. And why was Lauren so worried if they were siblings?

Suddenly Lauren started shutting the door, Xornoth trying to push it back open. "Oh come on sis, why are you locking me out?"

"You know why!"

Scott broke out of his trance and ran in between the two. "What's going on? Lauren! Why are you shutting the door on him? He's our brother!"

"You don't know the whole story! Do not let him in!"

I was even more confused than before, and by the looks of it, so was Scott.

Scott's POV

I didn't know what to think. I had a mix of emotions. Excitement that my long lost brother was back. I was confused at why Lauren was acting strange. I was sad that my brother and sister didn't seem to be getting along.

"Leave Xornoth! And never come back here again! You're not welcome here anymore!" I was shocked, why was Lauren saying who was and was not welcome in Rivendell? She hadn't lived here for years and now she was acting like she was in charge?

"What would you know! You've been missing for over ten years!" 

I was sick of being stuck in the middle of their random fight. "That's enough!" I turned to face Xornoth. "Excuse us for a second." I pushed Lauren back over to the couch and I saw Jimmy follow behind. "What was that!" I pushed her just enough so that she would fall onto the couch without being hurt.

By this point, Jimmy was just following me around like a lost puppy, probably not sure what to do.

After Lauren had regained herself and sat up on the couch she gave me a death stare. "Scott! He's not who you think he is!"

"What do you mean? He's our brother!"

Lauren took a deep breathe and then continued. "Scott...about a year ago I was out hunting for food when I came across this person, they looked a few years older than me. I thought nothing of it, thinking it was just someone out walking or something, but..."

"But what?!" I was getting impatient. We had an angry brother outside waiting for us. 

"But he turned out to be someone I used to know..."

"Just get to the point!" Now I was just frustrated with her slow pace story telling abilities. I looked towards the door and saw a shadow moving, luckily Xornoth was still there, but by the time she finishes the story he would probably be gone. I turned back to stare at her, an annoyed expression overcoming me.

"Ok-Ok...he introduced himself as Xornoth, I knew that name sounded familiar but I couldn't quite place it, then it clicked...I started remembering things from when I was younger, remembering memories I thought to be long gone. After he realized who I was, he hunted me down...that's when I went into hidin-"

"She's lying!" We all turned at the sudden noise, surprised to see that the door had been knocked down and standing behind it was none other than Xornoth. 

Lauren turned back to face me again, we were all shocked that he had actually pushed the door down. "Scott!" I looked at her, trying to find any hint of a lie, the truth, even a joke. "Why would I make this up!" She gave nothing away, her voice seemed aggressive, yet hurt at the same time. I didn't know what to think. Who was lying?

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