A sudden appearance

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Jimmy's POV

I had just reached Rivendell to meet Scott for our date. I was really excited and I still couldn't believe he had said yes. I felt my face slightly heat up as I knocked on the door. Seconds later the door opened.

"Hey Jimmy!"

"Hi Scott!" We both smiled. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah, just let me put my shoes on." He turned around. I heard something behind me, but thought nothing of it, thinking it was probably just the wind, then a voice spoke.

"S-Scott?" We both turned around, very confused. Standing in front of us was a girl maybe about a year or two younger than us. She had beautifully long, wavy, purple hair. I turned to Scott and his face had gone pale, eyes wide open. I had no idea what was happening, or who this girl was, all I knew was that apparently they knew each other, or at least she knew him.

"H-How...?" He spoke in a low whisper, like he had just seen a ghost.

"Scott? Who is she?" 

He didn't break eye contact with her, he was almost frozen to the spot. "She-She..."

The girl obviously realized Scott wasn't able to answer because she continued for him. "I'm his sister."

I turned back to face her, wide eyed. "T-The one that d-disappeared years ago...?" Now it was my turn to go into a shock-like state.

She smiled and nodded. "I see you've heard of me?"

I just nodded, not able to form the right words. Eventually Scott broke out of his trance and started talking. "How-How did you s-survive? How did y-you find your way b-back? Wh-Where have you been all these y-years? Why have you-"

He was cut off by his sister. "I'll explain everything, but right now I think we should do introductions, don't you?" She laughed and turned to face me again. "I'm Lauren, although you probably knew that already, since you've heard of me..." 

I gave a small smile. "I'm Jimmy."

Her smile grew. "Jimmy huh..."

"Yeah...?" I was so confused now, why was she acting so weird?

"So you guys are still a th-"

"Hey! Why don't we go inside and catch up?!" I turned around to face Scott. Why had he cut her off? What was she going to say that Scott didn't want her to?

Lauren turned to face Scott with somewhat of a cheeky look on her face for some reason. "Sure!" We both followed Scott inside and we all sat on the couch. Me and Scott on one couch, sitting next to each other, and Lauren on the opposite one.

"So...what happened that night...we searched everywhere..."

She started to look a bit uneasy. "Oh, well...after we split up I looked for a way out, a way home, but I couldn't find one...when I realized it was pointless, I decided to look for you...but you were long gone..."

"I'm so sorry Lauren, I should have been a better older brother, not take you out on dangerous adventures-"

"Scott! You were only four, how could you have known any different?" I smiled, I was glad Scott had found one of his siblings again. 

"So...where have you been all these years?"

"Well, after I lost hope of ever seeing my family again, I just sat by a tree. I woke up the next morning to someone leaning over me. Turns out she was this girl named Athena. She helped me survive in the wild and let me stay with her in her little hut in the forest. When I got older, I decided I was ready to look for you and the rest of our family again and here I am after years of looking..."

That was some adventure she had. I couldn't quite process all of it right now, and it looked like Scott couldn't either. "You-how-I...what?!" She chuckled.

"Speaking of, where's mum and dad? And Xornoth? Where is everyone?" As she said Xornoth, I heard the worry in her voice, like that name scared her in some way. Why was she so worried?

"Oh ah..." Scott's expression changed to sadness. "X-Xornoth...he-he..." He took a deep breathe. "He disappeared a couple y-years ago...and mum and dad moved away..."

I don't think Lauren was expecting that because her expression changed to one of confusion and her eyes were wide open, like she was worried about something. "Wh-What?"

"No one knows where he went, he just said he was going out for a walk and he never came back. We always expected the worst...but you being here changes things, he could still be out there somewhere!" His face brightened. I smiled, glad to see Scott happy again, but I couldn't shake Lauren's worried expression from my mind.

I placed my hand on Scott's and looked into his beautiful blue eyes. "We'll find him, don't worry." He smiled and I got lost in in his eyes for a second. We just sat, looking lovingly into each others eyes until we were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. I lifted my hand from Scott's and we both turned away, then I remembered Lauren was still here. I blushed and turned away. "S-Sorry."

She laughed. "So...anyway, did I interrupt something when I showed up? You looked like you were going somewhere."

"Oh uh..." I blushed even more and tried to hide my face. I caught a glimpse of Scott's red face as well, at least I wasn't the only one.

After a few seconds of silence, Lauren squealed. "OMG! Don't tell me! You were going on a date, weren't you?!" I was too flustered to reply, so I just sat there and waited for her to talk again. "Eeeee, my big bro has a boyyyyyyfriendddd!" I avoided eye contact with Scott, hoping he wouldn't see my flustered face. She was as bad as Lizzie, maybe it was just a sister thing.

"Lauren!" Scott yelled. I turned to face Scott and smiled, still blushing madly. He smiled back.

"I'm gonna go..." She seemed uncomfortable, she got up and started heading to the door. "See ya love birds." She opened the door, but stopped and froze.

"Lauren? What is it?" Scott got up from the couch and started walking over, I followed close behind.

"I think it's about time we have a family reunion..." 

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