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Scott's POV

"Now what? We have Scott, why do you need him?" 

I opened my eyes to hear a familiar voice. I still wasn't feeling my best so I thought I was just hearing things, until I heard the second voice. "He has something I need. But first Joey, I need something else."

"What do you need me to do?"

"J-Joey..." I was finally well enough to get one word out in a crocky voice.

"Oh, you're awake..." I heard footsteps walking closer to me, then stopped. I slowly turned my head around to look at my surroundings. I was in a small room with nothing more than a bed that I was lying on, there were bars blocking my exit and standing behind them was Joey, Xornoth walking up behind him.

"Wh-Why...?" I tried sitting up but my head still hurt from when I was knocked out.

"Like I said brother...you have a lot to learn about our family history." 

I just sat there in confusion. "Wh-What's going on?"

"Let's just say my boyfriend needs you for something." 

I stared at them in confusion. "B-Boyfriend?" Then it clicked, he was talking about Xornoth...

Jimmy's POV

"SCOTT!" Tears were flooding down my face, Lauren was sitting next to me trying to calm me down. "HOW COULD HE DO THIS?! WHY WOULD HE PUT HIMSELF IN DANGER LIKE THAT?!"

"Shhhh, Jimmy, we'll get him back, don't worry."

I didn't listen to her, I couldn't stop crying, the thought of Scott being in danger was too overwhelming. "He-He-"

She pulled me into a comforting hug. "It's ok, we'll find him..." She whispered. I melted into the hug and let myself cry. 

Why didn't Scott just let me be taken? At least he would be safe. I hate how he sacrificed himself to save me. I felt like it was my fault he was gone.

A few minutes later I heard someone knock at the door but I was too upset to move.

"Who is it?" I felt Lauren's head lift up to look at the door.

"I'm a friend of Scott's." 

I recognized that voice. "L-Lizzie?"

"Jimmy? What's going on? Can I come in? Where's Scott?"

Lauren let go of me and looked at me with a confused expression. "Who's Lizzie?" 

"She-She's my s-sister..." I said through sobs. "The-The d-door's open..." I called out for her to come in. The door was immediately shoved open and Lizzie came running in.

"Jimmy! Are you ok?" She stopped in front of us, then turned to face Lauren with a suspicious look. "Who's she?"

"I'm Lauren, Scott's sister."

"Scott has a sister?!" She was quiet for a while, then she turned back to me, probably remembering I was crying. "What happened? Are you ok?"

"S-Scott..." She started looking around frantically.

"Wait, where is Scott?"

I didn't think it was possible, but more and more tears pooled from my eyes. By this point, I couldn't see anything. I felt a hand placed on my back and I turned to see a blurry face looking back at me, a worried expression on her face. "Is-Is Scott ok?"

I answered by just shaking my head slightly, hoping that was all she needed to understand.

I heard Lauren to my other side trying to explain to Lizzie what had happened, but I tuned out, trying to convince myself that he was ok. After a while, I couldn't hear them talking anymore, I wasn't sure if they had just stopped or if I had somehow tuned them out completely. Then I felt arms wrap around me. "It's ok, Scott's going to be ok."

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