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May's POV

"I don't want to push you May", Alice says, wrapping her arm around me. "No, it's alright...", i try to calm before i start talking.
"Tyler texted me yesterday. He wanted to meet at his place and i thought why not? We had not met for a week or so...I was on my way to him and and...i still had the key to his flat, so I got inside. I heard some noises in his bedroom. I opened the door, and...and...he was making out with a girl"
"Fuck!", Alice whispers.

Now i can not hold back the tears and i hide my face with my palms.
"Did he notice you?"
"Yeah, he followed me when i wanted to leave the flat again. We were screaming and...and he has pressed me against a wall, told me to shut the fuck up and that he could have sex with every girl he wants because i am a fucking bitch..."
My voice breaks and i ca hear Alice taking a deep breath.
"Leave him May. I know you are with him for ages and he actually is a sweet guy and stuff but i can't fucking accept that he is insulting and hurting you. Please May, it's the best for you believe me!!", Alice is begging.
"I will get through this with you honey, i promise."
"Okay", i sob and look at the clock. "Oh shit i am late. David will freak out, it's the third time this week."
Alice laughs, "Tell him to chill. When we have a date he is always late!! Try to forget about Tyler, May!! Please, you deserve someone who's treating you better than he does."

I smile at Alice, hug my best friend and grab a jacket before looking in the mirror. "Thank god you cannot see the bruises anymore", i murmur while i am leaving the flat and run down the streets.

Arriving the little record store, i feel myself calming down again. I love my job here, with all the records and the homely atmosphere. It always feels like i can forget about everything when i am here. As always i enter the store with a smile.
David, the owner, a 25 years old sweet guy with dark hair and green eyes is sorting some new records. In the background you can hear some Arctic Monkeys song playing.
"Hey David", i shout with a happy voice.
"You're late!!", he says, looking at me. I roll my eyes, "Calm down David! It won't happen again."
"Yeah you promised that the last few times. Now come here and sort these stuff, i need a smoke break."
He moves and gives me some records, while he is looking for his pac of cigarettes.

I look on the covers, there are all from a band called The 1975. The cover is simple, black and a white light rectangle with The 1975 written in it with white letters as well. Hmm...never heard of it.

"David? Do you know this band?", i shout, showing him the cover.
"Of course! The lead singer and the manager are my friends.", he shouts back.
"Haha yeah sure.", I laugh, David and his stories about knowing nearly every singer, actor etc..
"You will see, Matty often comes here when the band has a few days off." "Who is Matty? The singer or the manager?"
"The singer. May, i cannot believe you don't know them!! They are famous as fuck here in the UK!!"
"Yeah whatever...", i shout at him, and while David is laughing at me i decide to listen to them as soon as possible.


Hey guys, finally it's chapter 2;))
I was asked to upload soon, so why not?;))
It would be awesome if you leave a comment and vote^^
I love you soo much xx

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