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May's POV

It's Record Store Day!

I get up really early. Tyler promised to pick me up at 10 am.
I hop in the shower, straight my hair and put on (wait for it) a The 1975 shirt and jeans.
I have a plan what I am looking for today : the four EPs of the boys.
Unfortunately David has none anymore. He just has the album.

When Tyler is there I instruct him where to drive and park the car.
"Why don't we just die to wherever you wanna go?"
"Because it's sunny and I want to walk around!"
Tyler sighs and parks the car.

We are rushing through the streets till I find the store David has recommended.
I look through the records till one catches my eyes.
The 1975 - Music for cars

"Yes!!", I shout and pay the vinyl.
When I get out the store, Tyler furrows.
"Uhm why do you want vinyls? You don't even have a vinyl player!"
"I will buy one! And a friend told me that vinyls are more classic than...Oops sorry!"
I cannon in somebody.
"It's alright. I haven't seen you anyway!", a girl says.
I raise my head immediately, recognising this voice.
Infront of me is Chelsea, Matty's girlfriend.

Oh fuck, hopefully he is not-

"Babe, I got it!"


Matty is running out of a store, grinning triumphantly with a record in his hands.
His grin dropped immediately when he notices us.
"Uhm...Hi May!"
"Hi!", I mumble.

"Matty isn't she the girl from David's store??"
"You know David?", I ask confused.
"Yeah he is good friend of Matty."

Tyler leans to me.
"May, isn't this pick the one who wanted to defend you this night in the park?"
I swallow.
Fuck my life!
"Look at his girlfriend she is stunning!"
"Tyler!", I hiss.
"What? Just saying!"

"-it would be nice to walk together then, wouldn't it May?"
"Sorry what?"
Chelsea smiles gently.
"I said that it would be nice to walk together because you obviously know good music. And I think Matty could need some help."
I look to Matty, who's watching me.
"Yeah why not?"

So we are walking down the streets together, while Matty has to stop a few times for fans.
He takes photos with them, signs different things and has a chat with them.
It is the first time I can watch him around fans.
When they are asking him for taking photos, he has a lovely smile for ech of them.
He is taking his time to talk to them and when he wants to move on they don't stop him.

Matty happens to walk next to me because Tyler and Chelsea are talking excitedly about something.
"You truly love your fans right?"
"Yes! They are amazing and I actually owe them something for making this dream come true!"
Chelsea burst into laughter about something Tyler said.
"They're getting along with each other..."
"Yeah. But you and Chelsea are good as well!", I can't hide the jealousy in my voice.
"Huh? Oh well. Don't forget we are friends for so long. When we're not in a relationship mood then we're just friends." He shrugs.
"But you and Tyler are in good times as well."
"Kind of. He is trying to change I think. He wasn't drunk for a long time."
Matty snorts. "That fucker! He should have changed a long time ago..."

I roll my eyes and change the topic.
"Anyway which records are you looking for?"
"Oh nothing special. But I love to poke you know? What about you?"
"Uhh I am looking for your EPs to be honest"
"Really?", he laughs.
"Well I know the perfect stores to find them!", he grins.
"Chelsea? We're going that way!"

We got them all. Matty has found the EPs immediately and knew where to get them.
Tyler and Chelsea are slightly pissed because me and Matty were running around like kids, giggling and he even took my hand.
They told us that they will wait in a café or something until we're done.

"Which EPS is missing now?", Matty asks when we leave a store.
"Uhm...I think the Sex EP."
"Okay...Hmm...I have a friend who owns a great record store down the road. Should we?"
He grins cheeky.
"Of course!"

While we are walking, Matty is checking his phone.
"Is it Chelsea?"
He nods, "But she needs to wait now!"
So we move on until we reach the store.
"Matty Healy?! Oh my fuck I can't believe you're coming around!, a guy with short blonde hair and a beard shouts.
"Robert, it's been a while!"
Robert bursts into laughter.

"Well what did you expect after fucking my girlfriend, dude?"
Matty sighs.
"Hey you know I'm sorry! First I was drunk and second she was the one who wanted to suck my dick, because you were making out with her best friend!!"
I look at Matty shocked, who is damn serious about it.
Robert is looking at him hostile, and I expect him to slap in Matty's face.
But instead he lays his eyes on me, putting on a big smile.
"Hi, I think you were coming with him huh?"
"He said you have one of the best record stores here, so.." I say to calm the tension.
Robert raises his brows.
"Really? Well besides he's a dick Healy knows what's good! So how can I help you?"
I ask him for the Sex EP and Robert goes to look for it.

"Thank you", Matty mumbles.
I roll my eyes and he chuckles.
"Uhm..have you really..?"
Matty closes his eyes for a second and nods.
"It was like I said. He was making out with her best friend and she came over to me. I was completely wasted..."
I swallow, trying to handle the information, as he continues.
"I swear I couldn't even say how she looked like. I didn't care. But....I'm not like that anymore."
And I can see in his eyes that he means it.
Robert is on his way back, so I whisper.
"And what is about us?"

Matty is just staring at me, and I know he hasn't got an answer.
"Well here you are", Robert smiles and hands me the EP.
I pay for it and nearly run out of the store, not even looking if Matty is following me.

He has no answer for what we are. I have no answer.
So what are we?

When I arrive the café, Tyler and Chelsea are sitting in, I walk straight to them and sit down next to Tyler.
"Hey you're back"

Matty has entered the café too and when he gets close enough, I smile at Tyler and place my lips on his.
Chelsea notices Matty and shouts, "Hi babe"
Matty smiles to her with this angelic face and I feel jealousy growing in my heart.
He is sitting down and wraps one arm around her and cups her chin to kiss her.

"May?", Tyler asks.
"Have you bought what you wanted?"
"Yeah I have what I wanted"
Matty is watching us with a hard look in his eyes.
"So we can go now?", Tyler has this expecting look in his eyes and I know what he wants tonight.
Swallowing, I nod and stand up.
Tyler and Chelsea are exchanging numbers and I make my way out of the café.
Of course, Matty follows me.
"What was that?"
I ignore him.
"May, why did you make this show? Trying to make me jealous?"
"You know what Matty? Shut up!! I haven't made a show for anyone! Tyler is my boyfriendand I-"
"Don't love him", Matty cuts me up.
That's it.
"Who are you to say these things? You don't know me Matty. You can't say things like I'm tired if my life and I don't love my boyfriend!! Look at yourself! You're not in the position to judge me!!!"

Matty looks behind him, noticing Tyler and Chelsea are on their way.
He clearly is more than upset, but lucky him, he decides to keep his mouth shut.

I take Tyler's hand and pull him away, aware of Matty looking after me.


Hello guys:)

Aww thank you again for reading this story
Sooo this will going be interesting I think^^
Tbh I don't really have any idea how this relationship will end but be sure that it won't end soon

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Much love, Sarah xx

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